Plants that are ‘oxygen bombs’ for the home

Plants are part of a natural dynamic that keeps the atmosphere functioning as a life-giving bubble. Plant beings, along with zooplankton, are the largest lungs on the planet. They are responsible for transforming carbon dioxide into oxygen necessary for the respiration of other living beings. But just as large forests are the largest carbon sequesters in the world, there are indoor plants that are ‘oxygen bombs’ for our small home.

All plants have the ability to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen, but there are some that do it in greater quantities. And in addition to that, they help purify the air inside the home. An extremely valuable feature, especially considering large cities and indoor spaces, which store large quantities of toxic gases.

In 1989, Bill Wolverton, a NASA researcher, discovered the purifying ability of plants. Within an extensive article published by the United States space agency, the properties of plants in this sense are described. In the same writing a series of plants are listed that help purify the air in indoor spaces.

The fern, for example, is positioned as the best option to eliminate all types of environmental pollution. However, this plant needs indirect sun to grow and requires large amounts of . Therefore, it is recommended to place it in bathrooms since it withstands humidity levels quite well. Although to do this, it must be placed where there is sunlight, even if it is not direct.

Another plant mentioned in NASA research and placed as the pinnacle of air-purifying plants is ‘mother-in-law’s tongue’ (sansevieria). In addition to being one for the home, this plant helps remove some substances from the environment such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and xylene.

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Plants are more than just static beings, they have very interesting dynamics and there is even research that shows that they are capable of survival. Growing them at home not only helps keep the air clean, but also brings great benefits to mental health and general well-being. Inhaling toxins increases the risk of suffering from , so having some of these plants that are ‘oxygen bombs’ in the home will help keep your little biological bubble in harmony.

Air purifying plants


mother-in-law’s tongue

peace lily

aloe vera

bamboo palm



