Enter the Vault at the End of the World with this virtual tour

The Internet has become an interesting means of getting to know places that are in geographical positions completely remote from us, and are even available for a virtual visit. But among the vast majority of places that can be seen, perhaps the most intriguing is as the Svalbard Global Vault is known. The place is completely inaccessible to the open public, as it protects what is most precious to humanity, but It is now possible to see its interior thanks to this virtual tour.

What’s in the Vault at the End of the World

On the remote Norwegian island of Spitsbergen is the greatest treasure of humanity, it is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which has been nicknamed the Doomsday Vault or the End of the World because Inside it houses a gigantic seed bank. The site far from any population and whose surroundings are covered only by snow on a desolate island, has the titanic mission of keeping safe the genetic components of the most important foods in the world.

In the event of a disaster that compromises the entire world, such as a war, a collision or the collapse of the planet due to the climate crisis, plant diversity is at risk. The seeds of basic foods such as wheat, corn or various species of fruits and vegetables could see the end of their existence. That is why The Svalbard Seed Vault was created to safeguard the future of humanity.

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The concrete building, whose shape evokes futurism, is a security fortress to which only authorized personnel have access. It is located on the side of Plateau Mountain in Svalbard, a remote island in Norway. Since 2008 the enormous vault that is located 120 meters under the rock of the mountain, has been safeguarding more than 1.2 million seed samples. From common plants, to the rarest varieties, the seeds are encapsulated in optimal containers to preserve their genetic sequences and make use of them if they are needed.

Virtual tour of humanity’s greatest treasure

A series of five huge safety doors are responsible for maintaining the appropriate temperature conditions for the life of the seeds. The treasure hidden there is of such importance that it is certainly not a place that just anyone can visit. Only the right personnel know what lies beneath the mountain, but now anyone with an internet connection can take a look at the Doomsday Vault.

Virtual Tour Company has been in charge of map the entire interior of the Vault at the End of the World and allow a tour through the sections of the place. Now we can explore the most intriguing place in the world and at the same time, become aware of the great importance of taking care of our planet.

In a world where the climate crisis, food loss, natural disasters and conflict increasingly destabilize our food systems, it has never been more important to prioritize the protection of these tiny seeds that have so much potential to adapt our future foods to such threats. global,” says Stefan Schmitz, co-administrator of the vault.

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Enter and click on the “Start” button, At the top right you have options to change the language. Once inside, arrows will appear that show you the way to enter the different sections of the premises. You can observe the facilities in 360º, in addition to using the zoom that shows an impressive amount of detail. Let yourself be amazed by the importance of the foods that we serve on our table every day and that are not exempt from extinction, but for this humanity has created the most important backup in the world in the great Vault of Svalbard.