Food and good habits, allies in fertility –

Numerous studies relate infertility to lifestyle, as well as to the couple’s diet. It is essential to reduce stress levels and make some changes in the diet, whose favorable effects will be seen after at least three months. Some foods contribute to improving the chances of a pregnancy thanks to their properties and the benefits they give our body.

Although there are no magical foods, maintaining a good diet leads us to have a body balance in the different facets of life. Nutrition can influence when it comes to getting pregnant and that is why it is advisable to include certain foods in the diet.

Foods and nutrients that promote pregnancy

  • Vitamin B.-It is found, fundamentally, in avocados, bananas, eggs or cereals. It is a vitamin linked to the production of hormones that promote ovulation. In addition, the correct development of the fetus depends on the presence of this vitamin in the body.
  • Vitamin C.-Present in fruits such as strawberries, kiwis or oranges. Also in some vegetables like cabbages. A deficiency of this vitamin can affect seminal quality.
  • It is found in foods such as cereals, spinach, chard, nuts such as peanuts or almonds, plums, etc. Fiber can also help us reduce the risk of suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, one of the possible causes of female infertility.
  • Red and orange fruits. – Rich in trace elements and vitamins. In strawberries and oranges we have the presence of vitamin C and coenzyme Q10; the pomegranate has great antioxidant power and the red fruits are rich in resveratol, all of which are essential for reproduction.
  • fatty acids. – They are found in products such as light tuna or salmon. With a correct and moderate consumption, they improve the immune system in general, essential for a correct reproductive function.
  • Green leafy vegetables. – They provide essential substances for reproduction, they also contain folic acid, essential before and in the first trimester of pregnancy.
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A high percentage of infertility cases is due to a male factor, so it is recommended that men also take care of their diet, control their weight and reduce cholesterol. For them, nuts, seeds and fatty fish that contain Omega 3 are recommended; Likewise, pay attention to the protein intake of meat, eggs and dairy products, foods that positively influence seminal quality.

Bad habits that affect fertility

An unbalanced diet and maintaining bad eating and routine habits can affect fertility in both men and women.

  • Not having a controlled weight. – Being overweight or being below the appropriate body mass index is not healthy for the proper functioning of the body. In fact, it also interferes with fertility and the reproductive cells of men and women.
  • Consuming tobacco and/or alcohol. –Excess consumption of these substances has serious health consequences. Smoking makes conception difficult and is also detrimental to the development of the baby in the womb. In addition, specialists recommend avoiding the consumption of alcoholic beverages during the search for pregnancy, in order to promote the chances of conception.
  • Stress. –Many day-to-day situations, together with the fast pace of life that we lead, can lead to a situation of intense stress that makes conception difficult.
  • sedentary lifestyle – A sedentary life causes problems in the medium and long term and also in regard to conception. It is recommended to maintain an active life and practice physical activity frequently.

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