October 26, a day to embrace the intersex community

On October 26, the Intersex Awareness Day, a date intended to raise awareness and promote understanding about intersex people. To this end, it is necessary to know what it means to be intersex, the challenges they face and how people who are part of this community can be supported and respected.

But what does it mean to be intersex?

If you are not very clear about what the term intersex refers to, it is used to define people who, at birth, have sexual reproductive organs with biological or chromosomal conditions that do not fit the binary categories of “man” or “woman.”

Many times when a baby is born intersex, doctors assign a sex (male or female) and, sometimes, they perform surgeries so that their body matches that sex. However, this is not a guarantee that upon becoming an adult, this person will have a sexual identity consistent with the sex assigned to them at birth.

And although it seems that it is not something that happens very frequently, according to It is estimated that between 1 to 2 in every 100 people in the United States are born intersex.

Likewise, it is important to keep in mind that you can be intersex in different ways:

  • Some people have genitals or internal organs that do not fit the traditional categories of “male” or “female.”
  • Other intersex people have chromosome combinations other than XY (associated with male) or XX (usually associated with female).
  • Some people are born with external genitalia that fit the categories associated with male/female, but their internal organs or hormones do not fit.
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Among many other challenging situations, Intersex people are often victims of discrimination, for this reason it is essential to know more about them to have a greater understanding of their condition and give them appropriate treatment. They also suffer from a lack of understanding and acceptance and, in many cases, are subjected to unnecessary and irreversible medical procedures, such as genital surgeries, without informed consent.

How should the treatment of an intersex person be?

To provide adequate treatment to an intersex person, respect, empathy and understanding are essential. Additionally, you can take note of the following guidelines so that intersex people around you can feel good.

Open your mind to diversity

Actively listening to the stories and experiences of intersex people and showing respect towards them is essential to understanding their perspectives.

Use appropriate language

Making assumptions about someone’s gender based on someone’s physical appearance is usually not a good idea. Use language that respects the person’s gender identity. Also avoid using terms like hermaphrodite.

Advocate for the rights of intersex people

Medical decisions related to intersex should be based on informed consent and the right to make decisions about your own body.

Eliminate ignorance

Promotes education and raising awareness about intersexuality to create an inclusive environment free of prejudice.

Fight discrimination

It is important to unite to work against discrimination and harassment of intersex people and advocate for their rights to be guaranteed.

On this Intersex Awareness Day, let us remember the importance of respecting and supporting all people, regardless of their gender identity. Diversity enriches our society and makes us stronger as a community.

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We embrace diversity

He # Movement embraces all people regardless of their sex, nationality, gender identity, sexual preference or socioeconomic status. We are aware that diversity is a human characteristic and that we are all vulnerable to sexual abuse.

For this reason, we share tools and resources for sexual abuse prevention with all the people. and how can you.