Know the signs of an abusive relationship

It is very common for people to dream of finding the love of their life and having a healthy and beautiful relationship. However, sometimes without realizing it we are immersed in a abusive relationship which can seriously affect our confidence, self-esteem and mental health.

When talking about abusive relationships reference is not only made to physical abuse or assaults, some of the attitudes that people assume in relationships, even if they do not leave physical signs, can generate a lot of pain. And anyone, regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, is vulnerable to becoming a victim. Learn to identify some warning signs.

10 signs that you may be in an abusive relationship

Being in a relationship should mean having at your side a person who contributes to you and helps you grow every day to become the best version of yourself, sharing what life presents and working as a team, feeling at peace when you share. with that person and treasure happy moments.

However, sometimes it doesn’t feel that way, and you may find yourself in an abusive relationship without even realizing it. Pay attention to what your instinct and your heart tell you and the following behaviors in your partner:

  1. Makes fun of your insecurities. She puts you down, humiliates and publicly ridicules you.
  2. Use your secrets against you and manipulates you to act against your will.
  3. Tea compare unfavorably.
  4. Seeks to make you feel insufficient intentionally.
  5. asks you share your location.
  6. It asks you for passwords from your social networks and mobile phone.
  7. asks you delete photos social networks.
  8. Constantly question your friends and family.
  9. Wants to do all the activities together.
  10. It makes you responsible of their bad behaviors.
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Although each relationship has a different dynamic and particularities, it is important that you be attentive and Identify what doesn’t make you feel good. Although it is painful, it is preferable to leave a relationship that is not good for you early than to face all the negative effects that result from being in an abusive relationship for a long time.

Identify red flag in what your partner tells you

Likewise, it is essential pay attention to what your partner tells you. Many times manipulation and emotional abuse can hide behind expressions of “love” or “concern.” Pay attention to these phrases:

  • “I’m jealous because I love you so much.”
  • “I care about you”.
  • “There should be no secrets between us.”
  • “This is to prevent them from thinking badly of you.”
  • “He probably wants something with you.”
  • “I can not be without you”.
  • “I need to see you every day.”
  • “You bring out the worst in me.”
  • “You don’t love me enough.”

Although it is not about stopping living your relationship because you are constantly looking for signs of an abusive relationship, It is important that you identify those phrases through which your partner seeks to control you or affect your self-esteem.

What does an abusive relationship include?

When a relationship becomes abusive, it may include one or more types of abuse. Find out the most frequent ones below:

Physical abuse: hitting you, pushing you, trying to strangle you, grabbing you hard, breaking things.

Verbal abuse: yell at you and insult you.

Emotional abuse: blame, manipulate, make you doubt yourself.

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Digital abuse: access your accounts without authorization, control your activities on social networks.

Isolation: Try to control who you talk to and try to distance yourself from people in your immediate environment.

Intimidation: He threatens you to get you to do what he wants.

Pressure: It forces you to do things you don’t want to do.

Sexual violence: disrespects your limits and forces you to commit acts of a sexual nature.

The first step to getting out of an abusive relationship is to identify that you are immersed in one. Romanticizing love and idealizing it excessively can sometimes make us thinking that some abusive behaviors are signs of love. If you identify any of these signs in your relationship, seek help.

Remember that nothing is your fault

Both in As with any other type of abuse, it is very likely that the person who commits it seeks to make you feel guilty for their actions. Don’t forget it’s not your fault and that you can work to overcome this situation and stop being a victim.

In it # Movement We provide you with tools so that you learn to identify the different types of abuse and how to act against them. Likewise, we provide a trusted space for survivors of sexual abuse. If you want to know more about our Movement, we invite you to and know to help rewrite the history of thousands of survivors of sexual abuse.