What is it and why avoid this behavior in your relationships?

Technology has modified the forms of communication and many other activities carried out by human beings. Relationships have also been modified and some behaviors have appeared, such as zombieing, ghosting and gaslighting. These behaviors, which are becoming more frequent every day, usually have very negative effects on the people who suffer from them.

But, do you know what zombieing refers to? It is a term that refers to the behavior of someone who apparently begins to build a bond with another person and inexplicably, perhaps when everything seems to be going great, disappears without any justification, generating anxiety, guilt and low self-esteem. And, likewise, after a while reappears as if nothing had happened and without an explanation of his attitude.

As you will see, zombieing is a behavior very similar to ghosting, but in the first case, the person practicing appears again trying to give the impression that nothing happened. In many cases, the person who suffers from this behavior has already made progress in overcoming the other person’s absence and an unexpected breakup, when the other person returns to generate new stressful situations.

How can you recognize zombieing?

Unlike other harmful behaviors in relationships that are more difficult to detect, zombieing is quite easy to recognize, since that person who disappeared without warning without leaving any signs, returns without explanation. However, there are some signs that can alert you.

  • If communication with the person you are meeting is generally very inconsistent, this can tell you that they could disappear at any moment.
  • Changes like going from showing excessive interest and displays of affection to suddenly stopping answering your messages.
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Although the idea is not to stop living and feeling by staying alert all the time, surely and If you carefully analyze that person with whom you begin to create a bond, you will be able to know more about their attitudes and values. to determine if this relationship can prosper and be maintained over time.

What consequences can zombieing have?

Although zombieing and ghosting are quite similar, the former is usually more serious because in addition to generating anger, frustration and guilt that arises after the unexpected disappearance of the other person when everything was going well. He zombieing prevents you from overcoming this painful experiencesince his return causes confusion and revives feelings of love that seemed to have been overcome.

This type of behavior generates a permanent state of imbalance in which it is impossible to change the page. If a person experiences this type of situation without putting a stop to it, it is very likely that his “partner” feels that he can control her life and that he can enter and leave it whenever he wants, without having to give any type of explanation. .

What should you consider when faced with zombieing?

After facing the pain, guilt and uncertainty caused by the inexplicable departure of that person with whom you had already imagined a future, hearing from that person again will generate excitement and you will feel like reestablishing the relationship. In that case, it is important that you consider the following:

  • Think objectively and ask yourself if this person could do it again.
  • Avoid normalizing behaviors that can cause emotional wounds.
  • Analyze in detail whether it is possible that this person has matured or modified their behavior.
  • When a person focuses on finding security in themselves, they will not be so vulnerable to allow another person to control their life.
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If you are thinking about entering into a relationship with a person who has engaged in this type of harmful behavior, keep in mind that Some of these people are just looking to satisfy their ego. and do not take into consideration the emotions of others. Avoid creating false illusions and give yourself the opportunity to heal, properly processing grief.

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Both abusive behavior in relationships and sexual abuse can come from your partner, from that person you chose and with whom, surely, you have future plans. In it # Movement We reject sexual abuse and any type of abuse.

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