How to treat body dysmorphia?

Constantly focusing on small physical defects, which may be imperceptible to others, and magnifying them to the point that they begin to negatively affect various social situations, can be a warning sign that someone is suffering. body dysmorphia.

This disorder in which you focus intensely on “fixing” an aspect of your physical appearance It can modify your behavior to the point that you repeatedly look in the mirror, wash yourself much more frequently, and resort to cosmetic procedures to “find peace of mind.” Although looking at it lightly this does not seem to be very serious, those who suffer from body dysmorphia experience a high level of emotional suffering.

Although there are many and very diverse symptoms that this disorder generatesthe most frequent are:

  • Constant worry for body image.
  • Excessive thoughts.
  • Repetitive behaviors difficult to control.
  • Have perfectionist tendencies.
  • Difficulty getting along in social life and other aspects of life.

As you see, body dysmorphia is not a simple problem of low self-esteem or something that happens over time, this condition can have very negative effects on a person’s life if not identified and treated in time.

Who suffers from body dysmorphia and how can it be treated?

body dysmorphia It can affect people of any gender and tends to occur during adolescence or early adulthood.. It is a condition that lasts over time and when left untreated it can worsen with the physical changes caused by aging such as the appearance of gray hair and wrinkles.

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Knowing how to identify if it is a temporary concern about body image or if it is body dysmorphic disorder is not easy. For this reason, Turning to a mental health professional, who can diagnose and treat it, is essential.

As with other mental health problems, body dysmorphia may require a combination of treatments. The most often used are the following:

Psychological therapy

It focuses on correcting the person’s thoughts regarding their “defect” and reducing their compulsive actions.

Exposure and response prevention

Use real thoughts and situations to show the person that their perception of themselves is not accurate.

Drug treatment

Uses known antidepressant medications in the treatment of mood disorders.

Group/family therapy

Support from special people in the life of someone suffering from body dysmorphia is essential. In addition to understanding what the other person is suffering, this therapy helps them learn to identify signs and symptoms.

mirror technique

It seeks to foster self-compassion and put aside the person’s self-judgmental stance.

Complementary techniques

Practicing breathing, relaxation or mindfulness techniques can be very beneficial in the treatment of body dysmorphia.

Body dysmorphia has been linked to deterioration in quality of life and social relationships and even suicide. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a difference.

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Wanting to fit, at any cost, into the standards imposed by society, can do us a lot of harm. Likewise, underestimating the signs and symptoms of body dysmorphia in people in our immediate environment can be devastating.

In it # Movement We share with you valuable tools so you can detect warning signs in time and provide support to people around you who are suffering from a mental health problem. Sometimes, these disorders can arise from traumatic experiences such as sexual abuse, and at # we can guide you to face these types of situations. and.