Bioneuroemotion: 5 reasons to know it

Bioneuroemotion is an experience that facilitates personal development through relationships with ourselves and with others.

It claims that the person can see his life from a different point of view, giving him the opportunity to change the perception of the facts and the interpretations that have led him to a state of emotional stress.

In this Podcast, Enric Corbera introduces us to the basic principles of Bioneuroemotion and how this can become a way of life that promotes health and well-being.

Biology, neurology and emotions are mixed in one word: Bioneuroemotion. In this video, Sara Pallarés explains what this method consists of, its purpose and values.

If you want to know more about the la method and how to apply it in your life to increase your emotional well-being, follow our social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

What is Bioneuroemotion?

A method to promote health and well-being

The Bioneuroemotion It is a methodology that is located in the sector of emotional management and personal growth. It contributes to promoting well-being from a biopsychosocial point of view. It studies the relationship between the body, mind and emotions, integrating scientific, philosophical and humanistic disciplines.

By developing self-awareness, Bioneuroemotion contributes to understanding the origin of emotional experiences and conflictsproviding resources that will allow them to be managed with greater empowerment and responsibility.

Interpersonal relationships: the main resource of Bioneuroemotion

One of the main working hypotheses of the Bioneuroemotion is that the quality of our relationships is one of the most influential factors in our well-being.

For this reason, this methodology focuses on our most significant links. Use interpersonal conflicts as the main resource to get to know each other better ourselves and improve the quality of our relationships and our life.

through the awareness of our unconscious operating patterns, we can expand the repertoire of emotional and behavioral responses available to us. Thus favoring all those emotional skills that positively affect our quality of life.

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Its main purpose is improve self awarenessthat is, the development of knowledge that each person acquires about himself and his way of interacting with the environment.

Next we expose in more detail the benefits that it has know and apply Bioneuroemotion In our life.

1. Get in touch with our own nature

As the first reason to learn about Bioneuroemotionwe could say that a new vision on health that allows us to influence our well-being.

Bioneuroemotion teaches us that our body adapts to the environment based on our emotions and that symptoms and diseases have multiple components, some of them are emotional and we have more power over them than we usually think.

Today, it is empirically and scientifically proven that emotional conflicts and stress that we experience have a direct influence on our health and well-being. Bioneuroemotion provides emotional management tools that help us regulate our system, both biologically and psychologically.

Bioneuroemotion: The symptom as a resource for introspection

It is important to understand that when a physical symptom appears, in addition to the enormous importance of addressing it from a medical point of view, it is also important question ourselves if our lifestyle, our behavior and our management of emotions are influencing its appearance.

Bioneuroemotion provides tools and strategies that allow us to investigate through the to identify stress and emotional incoherence that could be influencing your course. It also offers strategies to manage them properly.

By applying this methodology, we can use any physical manifestation of the body as that allows us to manage our emotional state and, in this way, use it in favor of our development and well-being.

2. Know the emotional legacies of our family

The Bioneuroemotion leads us to understand that our way of seeing and experiencing what happens to us depends on our perception. This is based on our learning, our beliefs and the stories lived by our ancestors.

As demonstrated by the , many of our conflicts are inherited from our family system. Everything we experience, everything that happens to us has to do with this information: “what surrounds us speaks of us” and, therefore, observing it is an excellent strategy to know both ourselves and the origin of our emotional wounds.

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Bioneuroemotion allows us to identify that unconscious information that is influencing our present. In addition, it provides strategies to transform limiting beliefs into empowering ones and transcend the conflicts and blocks we experience.

That is, it allows us free of conditions, thus favoring a .

3. Recover inner peace

On certain occasions, we experience stressful situations in a way that limits and harms us. Being able to open our eyes and see it in another way allows us to reach .

implies understanding what is happening from a broader point of view, recognizing and and every experience brings us learning.

Bioneuroemotion offers ussince when the information that is inside us emerges, we understand why Y what for we are experiencing stress situations in a certain way. Beyond resolving a particular conflict, what is proposed is a new paradigm of thought in which to recover inner peace, understanding conflicts as necessary and without clinging to victimhood or accusation.

Thus, we stop looking for the guilty and blaming ourselves, since from understanding it is impossible to make judgments.

4. Acquire the ability to direct our life

The Bioneuroemotion invites us to assume our responsibility and thus feel capable of directing our lives and take back our own power.

Allows us and proposes a look within ourselves, without judgments or guilt, taking the responsibility of everything that comes into our lives from a .

You respons-skillthat is, you response ability Given the circumstances that generate stress, you can develop, acquiring more resources, more flexibility and more resilience.

If I take responsibility, I stop putting the burden of my well-being on others and I have more ability to prevent and resolve conflicts, thus improving my relationships and my life.

5. Overcome limitations and develop our potential

The transcendence in Bioneuroemotion make reference to exceed our limitsovercome our limitations and barriers to achieve the best version of ourselves.

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For this, it proposes tools, such as . That is, find the balance between two polarities. For example: being very hardworking or being very idle, excessively generous or selfish, disciplined or spontaneous, etc.

We can believe that we are one way or another or label someone with an adjective like that. But We all have both polarities within us. and, therefore, we can express them when it is more convenient.

“Learning always implies self-transcendence. Learning evokes what is in us, helping us move towards authenticity and wholeness.

Karl Rahner

Transcending is the result of discovering these possibilities in ourselves and integrating them. This allows us be flexible and adapt in a more efficient way. For example, there are situations in which it will be more coherent to be disciplined and others, spontaneous. Moments that require more firmness and others, more tenderness.

There are no “good” or “bad” polarities per se, the problem is to situate ourselves at one extreme in a rigid and immovable way. Applying Bioneuroemotion allows us, as Bruce Lee rightly expressed in his famous metaphor, “be like water” to flow with life

Bioneuroemotion: appreciating every aspect of life

know how to listen what the body expresses, understand our past, regain inner peace Y the power to direct our lifeas well as overcome our limitations it inevitably leads us to live in a state of gratitude with everything we experience.

“Gratitude grants reverence, allowing us to find everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of wonder that forever change the way we experience life and the world”.

John Milton

Appreciating the positive aspects of life and being willing to recognize the role others play in our emotional well-being is a symbol of emotional maturity.

connects us with transcendental moments, these moments can leave us an important lesson and change us for life.

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