Death does not exist –

He is Head of Regenerative Medicine for Astellas Global and an Adjunct Professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. In addition to numerous scientific recognitions, in 2014 he was chosen by Time magazine among the world’s most influential people for his extraordinary contributions to the world of science.

To understand his it is essential to forget what we learned in school textbooks. Lanza tells us that “physics and chemistry can explain the biology of living beings, and can recite in detail the chemical foundations and the cellular organization of animal cells; oxidation, metabolism, etc. But that we have yet to learn that “physical existence cannot be separated from animal life.”

His book Biocentrism starts from the basis that “our science does not recognize the special properties of life that make it fundamental to material reality”. And in it he maintains that the world revolves around the form of subjective experience, which we call Consciousness. He predicts that “the 21st century will be the century of biology, which marks a turn from the previous century, dominated by physics.”

According to Lanza “We need a revolution in our understanding of science and the world.” Most integral theories do not take into account a fundamental factor: “We are creators, it is the biological creature that makes observations”.

Each of us can decide how he wants to see the world and interpret what happens to him.

for spear “Life and consciousness are the keys to understanding the nature of the universe”.

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From this point of view, death in the absolute sense of the word does not exist, what exists is an evolution of consciousness, which is the vehicle in which all the information lived in this world is expressed.

In the book This is not the Gospel that I wanted to offer you, Enric Corbera reminds us that “what exists is the attraction of death –the belief in it- to escape from what we call our problems. Death exists in the world of illusion; the fear of her is the attraction to her.”

This approach puts the observer at the center of life What sense would it all have if there were no observer? To the extent that the observer (each one of us) expands his consciousness, he will manifest in his life other possibilities that are found in the infinite field called Consciousness.

That is why Bioneuroemotion proposes a change of consciousness that allows access to other realities that will be expressed in the life of the person who makes said change. The conscious observer knows that his daily reality depends on how he decides to observe, that is, with what consciousness.

On the other hand, giving priority to biology reinforces one of the principles of Bioneuroemotion since in a consultation it is based on the fact that there is a biological manifestation of the conflicts and programs found in our unconscious. From the holistic perspective of Bioneuroemotion, his statement helps us to understand that everything has a meaningin this case a sense biological.

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“The concept of death is a mere product of our consciousness.”

Robert Lanza.

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