Couple conflicts –

Why do we repeat the same couple conflicts even with different people? In this conference by Enric Corbera, you will learn how to transcend these situations to improve your relationship with yourself.

The first fundamental relationship we have is with ourselves. And, us through others. Especially with the person we fell in love with one day and with whom we share life. In the dual world, in which one plus one equals two, the couple is the mirror in which we reflect in order to get to know each other.

In the conference that Enric Corbera gave in Barcelona, ​​he talked about various crucial points to live with conscience. Below we highlight the most relevant:

We project our reality.

We can know ourselves by observing everything, not by looking within. If we pay attention to the people we relate to, the situations we experience and the vicissitudes we go through, we will begin to know who we are. We need another to know more about us.

Reality reflects the information we have inside. What we hate about others is what we do not recognize in ourselves, what we do not give ourselves permission to express, our , which is why it upsets us so much. When we observe reality in this way, our partner ceases to be a problem to become our salvation.

Why do we always repeat with the same people and we always find the same stories?

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If the same situation is repeated to us, it is so that we act differently from how we have done it at other times in our lives, so that we stop doing things in harmony with ourselves. So that we take a different solution.

We think that what the other does has nothing to do with us and, instead, what it does is reflect our judgment. The first step to stop finding the same relationships that don’t benefit us is to stop wanting to change the other person, stop thinking that others have and start finding out what we want to change in ourselves.

What if we don’t have a partner?

If we do not relate intimately with anyone, likewise, we have a couple conflict. That is, we all have couple conflicts. They are there to learn from each other, because without each other we don’t know who we are. If we are not looking for someone to share with, we can ask ourselves, what relationship do we have with ourselves? Biological is sharing.

Each relationship is an opportunity to transcend, that is, to give a different reading to an already known situation. All relationships have a purpose and in each encounter we can see a problem or an opportunity. An occasion for If we look at the history of the couples in our family tree, we may find an answer to the question, why don’t we have a partner?

We are the manifestation of information.

Information is never lost. Like energy, it is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed. We are loaded with information that is continually looking for a way to manifest itself. In other words, we vibrate at a certain frequency and the people we meet vibrate at that same frequency.

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We get together with someone by resonance. It is possible that we do it in the same way if we feel like them or in the opposite way when we express the exact opposite. In the dual world, the manifestation of the two polarities is necessary to get closer to the .

Bioneuroemotion proposes us to observe life as a way to know ourselves. In the person who sleeps next to us is everything we project. It expresses the information we carry inside. If we classify what is externalized as good or bad, that is where our perception is revealed. To get to know each other, it is best to stop . For this reason, in the conference an exercise is proposed to us: Write on a piece of paper what we like the most about our partner and then what we dislike the most. Once written we can remove the word “couple” and see ourselves.

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