The feeling of drowning when waking up: Why does it happen and what can we do about it if it is due to anxiety? –

It has happened to many of us at least once in our lives: we wake up suddenly in the middle of the night with a feeling of suffocation, as if we were short of breath. This phenomenon, known as sudden awakening with a feeling of suffocation or nocturnal awakening with respiratory distress, can be alarming and disturbing. In this article, we will explore the possible causes behind this experience and how we can address it.

What is sudden awakening with a feeling of suffocation?

Sudden awakening with a feeling of suffocation is an experience in which a person wakes up suddenly during the night with a feeling of shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. People often describe a feeling of tightness in the chest and an urgent need to take a breath. This situation can generate anxiety and fear, making it difficult to fall asleep again.

Probable causes:

  1. Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep. When partial or complete obstruction of the airway occurs, airflow is restricted, and the person may wake up abruptly to restore adequate breathing.

  2. Gastroesophageal reflux: Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when stomach acid returns to the esophagus, which can irritate the airways and cause a feeling of shortness when waking up. Changing your sleeping position can aggravate reflux, leading to abrupt awakening.

  3. Anxiety and stress: Anxiety and stress can affect sleep in a variety of ways. In some cases, worries and emotional tension can cause nighttime awakenings with a feeling of suffocation. The body’s fight or flight response is activated, which can lead to rapid, shallow breathing.

  4. Sleep disorders related to breathing: Other sleep disorders, such as hyperventilation during sleep or congenital central hypoventilation syndrome, can trigger sudden awakenings with a feeling of suffocation. These conditions affect the breathing pattern during sleep, which can lead to decreased oxygenation and sudden awakenings.

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What can we do about it?

If you experience sudden awakenings with a feeling of shortness of breath on a recurring basis, it is important to seek medical help to determine the underlying cause. Here are some general measures that could help you:

  1. Maintain good sleep hygiene: Establish a regular sleep routine and create an environment conducive to sleep, avoiding disturbing stimuli before bedtime and maintaining an appropriate room temperature.

  2. Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption: Both can worsen symptoms and sleep quality. Alcohol can relax the muscles in your airways, while tobacco can irritate them.

  3. Control gastroesophageal reflux: Avoid eating heavy meals before bed and elevate the head of the bed to reduce the chance of reflux.

  4. Learn relaxation and stress management techniques: Regularly practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, can help reduce sleep-related anxiety and stress.

What if it is related to anxiety and stress?

Anxiety and stress are factors that can play an important role in sudden awakenings with a feeling of suffocation. When we are under high levels of stress or experience chronic anxiety, our nervous system can become excessively activated, which negatively affects our sleep.

During periods of stress, the body produces stress hormones such as cortisol, which can increase arousal and activation of the nervous system. This can lead to a greater frequency of awakenings during the night, including those in which we wake up with a feeling of suffocation.

Anxiety can also have a significant impact on our breathing. When we feel anxious, it is common for our breathing to become faster and shallower. This is known as hyperventilation, and can lead to a feeling of shortness of breath and tightness in the chest, which is further intensified when we are asleep and unaware of our breathing.

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Additionally, anxiety and stress can trigger “fight or flight” responses in the body, even during sleep. These automatic responses can lead to an increase in breathing rate and greater muscle tension, which can contribute to sudden awakenings with a feeling of suffocation.

To address this situation, it is important to implement strategies to manage anxiety and stress:

  1. Relaxation techniques: Learning and practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or tai chi, can help reduce nervous system activation and promote calmer sleep.

  2. Establish relaxation routines before bed: Spend at least 30 minutes before bedtime doing relaxing activities, such as reading a book, taking a hot bath, or listening to soft music. Avoid using electronic devices or any stimulating activities.

  3. Regular exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress levels and promote more restful sleep. Try to incorporate moderate exercise into your daily routine, but avoid doing it too close to bedtime, as vigorous activity before bed can have the opposite effect.

  4. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a form of therapy that can help identify and change negative thought and behavior patterns associated with anxiety and stress. A trained therapist can help you develop effective strategies to manage anxiety and improve sleep quality.

  5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Adopting overall healthy habits, such as eating a balanced diet, limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption, and ensuring you have enough rest time, can have a positive impact on managing stress and anxiety.

Remember that if anxiety and stress are significantly affecting your life and quality of sleep, it is important to seek professional support. A doctor or therapist can provide the necessary support and help you develop personalized strategies to manage these challenges.

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Abruptly waking up with a feeling of suffocation can be an alarming experience, but in most cases it has treatable underlying causes. If you experience this problem frequently, it is advisable to seek medical advice to rule out any underlying conditions. Adopting good sleep habits and managing stress can also help improve sleep quality. Remember that adequate sleep is essential for overall well-being and long-term health.