I accept if I suffer from depression or anxiety

This was the invitation of Colombian singer J Balvin, through his social network Instagram.

“Even though it looks colored, it is often dark inside. I pray for the mental health of all of us who need it…”, was the beginning of the message that the Paisa artist sent in one of his publications, which he accompanied with an image in which, although he was wearing a colorful sweatshirt, his attitude was dull, sad, plus the blue light of the place visually show that in their privacy, far from the stage, the music and the fans, something is not quite right.

His words surprised more than one, because although in a video published in 2018 he made it known that he suffered from mental problems and that depression and anxiety were part of his life and he had fought against them, it was unexpected that, in his best moment, receiving 13 nominations for the 2020 Latin Grammy and being included in the list of the 100 most influential people in the world, according to Time Magazine; He would make it visible that he has not yet won the battle against these diseases.

“…Anxiety and depression are a reality, do not be afraid to accept it and seek professional help. I know what it feels like, I live it and I understand those who suffer from it.”

His clear message, full of courage and example, touched the hearts of many close friends, acquaintances and fans, who left him words of support and strength for this difficult moment he is going through.

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On the previous occasion he also expressed that “a depression is something that has a background, which is a chemical imbalance. For that you need professional help, a psychiatrist.” And he insisted that if they have a disorder like the ones he suffers from, they should ask for help: “5 years ago, when I had my first depression, I said that I was never going to go to a psychiatrist because it was crazy. Until I went and improved a lot.”

Do you accept his invitation to take care of your mental health and ask for help when you need it? If you are interested, we are here to help you, contact our specialists on our phone line or WhatsApp chat