What is bulimia and what are its types?

Nowadays, it is very common to hear conversations about eating disorders due to the recurrence in which they occur in the daily lives of many people. Here we explain everything you need to know about bulimia.

Although it is common to refuse to talk about the conditions that are part of the ATT, for fear of their appearance, ignoring the situation will not make it cease to exist.

Eating disorders such as Bulimia is more prevalent in the female population at the end of adolescence and beginning of adult life.but they are not the only ones who can develop them, since a latent presence is also observed in men.

For this reason, we must talk about bulimia and recognize it without having to normalize the behaviors that come with living with a disorder like this.

How is your relationship with food? Find out.


According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), the essential characteristics of bulimia nervosa consist of:

  • (exacerbated food intake).
  • Inappropriate compensatory methods such as induced vomiting.
  • Abuse of laxative drugs, diuretics or other medications.
  • Fast.
  • Excessive exercise.

Another peculiarity of the disorder is related to the self-perception of body shape and weight, presenting great concern in it. In other words, the person does all this with the goal of avoid weight gain.

Along with these behaviors, individuals usually present high comorbidity with disorders of mood, low self-esteem, use of psychoactive substances, anxiety, depression, decision makingamong others.

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The DSM-IV divides this disorder into two types taking into account its behavioral pattern; that is to say, what they do or the way they behave:

  1. On the one hand, there is the purgative where consciously induce vomiting or use laxatives, diuretics, or enemas with the purpose of compensate food intake that they have previously had in binge eating.
  2. The other type is called non-purgative which is differentiated by have compensatory behaviors such as intermittent fasting, low-calorie intake, restrictive diet or excessive exercise.

It is crucial to be Be alert to these behavioral changes and promptly resort to a psychological process that allows you to counteract in time the consequences and/or situations that triggered them.. Remember the importance of not doing a self-diagnosis process, On the contrary, allow professionals and experts on the subject to provide you with the support you may require. You can call or write to us for free at 3330333588.

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