What are the different types of self-esteem and what do they consist of?

Some of the analyzes on the category of “self-esteem” have suggested a classification by types or degrees. We talk to you below about one of the best known.

Are there different types of self-esteem?

Self-esteem refers, in general terms, to the individual assessment that each person has of themselves. However, this definition has important nuances that must be taken into account when understanding better. the causes of the formation of our self-esteem. For that, we recommend you read our entry

Now, self-esteem has been addressed by different authors who have proposed classifications that allow us to distinguish between some types or degrees of self-esteem. Below we tell you one of these approaches.

Hornstein’s classification of types of self-esteem:

  1. High – stable:

    Corresponds to a degree of self-esteem strong or elevated, which describes a person who seems to be little affected by the environment in a negative way. The ability to sustain and defend your world vision It usually presents itself in a calm manner, which helps to solve life in a calm way. stable over timewithout collapsing.

  2. High – unstable:

    It would correspond to a degree of self-esteem that, although high, It doesn’t seem to last that long over time.. This is because people with this level of self-esteem seem to lack the necessary mechanisms to face environments or high-pressure or stressful environments and tend to become destabilized. Inflexibility and authoritarianism can be characteristic behaviors in this type of self-esteem.

  3. Stable – low:

    Corresponds to a degree of self-esteem weak or low which entails a constant self-undervaluation and a frequent distrust towards the impossibility of carrying out a task. Indecision, fear of failure, or the helplessness of the points of view are constant in this type of self-esteem.

  4. Unstable – low:

    Like the previous one, self-undervaluation is common, but not constant in the time. Therefore, being excessively sensitive to external or influenceable factors are two characteristics of this classification. Avoiding all types of confrontation is common in these cases, even when you are in a situation. vulnerable situation.

  5. Inflamed or inflated: the known superiority It is one of the characteristics that seems clearest in this classification. The complete absence of self-critical sense and the inability to assume responsibilities are some of the common behaviors in this type of self-esteem.

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The above are, broadly speaking, the classifications proposed by the Argentine psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, Luis Hornstein. However, it is important to remember that so-called “self-esteem” is a dynamic phenomenon and, therefore, during the course of our lives, one or more types may occur, as we change and grow. In that sense, It is not that only one of these categories represents a desirable state.. On the contrary, it is thought that what one should aspire to lead a healthy mental life is to achieve a balanced self-esteem between these five edges of the phenomenon.

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How is your self-esteem? We invite you to take our test so that you understand and know it better.

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