Keys to cultivate the mind –

Cultivating the mind is what allows us to live a future full of nutritious and abundant fruits.

The word culture or cult has a common etymological root with cultivating or cultivating.

To say that a person is educated would be to refer to the fact that someone has a series of knowledge that grows in their mind.

As in traditional crops, the quality and quantity of the fruits will depend on the fertility of the land where they grow.

In this case the earth would be the mind, and the fruits that grow would be knowledge, beliefs and ideas.

Do you know what awareness means? – Enric Closer

In this new Enric Más Cerca “Dialogues for Awareness” a guide is proposed to carry out an internal process of self-inquiry through a series of reflective questions posed by Enric Corbera.

The mind of the wise 🧠 Enric Corbera Conference

What does it really mean and what is the use of developing the mentality of the wise? Developing the competence of self-awareness brings us closer to wisdom and offers us more capacity to promote our balance and health.

Why cultivate the mind?

A land is more fertile the more variety of crops it harbors

There are minds that are like monocultures (lands where only one type of vegetable is grown). They have a lot of information, but little variety.

Although it seems that there are a large number of plants growing on the surface, the land where they grow is impoverished until it ends up dry and without nutrients.

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If we look at nature, we can see that a land will be more fertile the more it is the vegetation that grows on it. And the same is true of the mind.

But, what is really acculturation? Is it the same to know many things as to be highly educated? What should we sow in our minds to reap what makes us happy?

Real culture is based on a wide repertoire of options

As we have already seen, our mind becomes rich, abundant and more fertile to the extent that we introduce more different elements into it, which also helps us to expand our awareness of the world and its different facets.

As people we must explore beyond the various ways we already know, always be the newest student in something, feed curiosity and enthusiasm, keep our brain agile and young.

That is why we mean taking care of the field of our mind, cultivating what we want but without positioning ourselves in a specific type of crop.

Cultivating our mind is our responsibility.

In it we must sow everything we want and with great variety, since different thoughts provide us with different tools to manage the different circumstances that we will find throughout life.

The importance of cultivating the mind

Cultivate your mind to enhance well-being

Sometimes we believe that being happy consists of not having any worries or obstacles.

However, life involves all kinds of situations, light and dark, moments of joy and misfortune, in fact, precisely some exist thanks to the contrast offered by others.

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Staying waiting for there to be no adversities to be happy, is postponing our happiness for an after that will never come and, in case we feel that it has arrived, it will always be fleeting and expired.

For this reason, cultivating the mind gives us the necessary tools to respond to these adversities effectively.

True happiness is cultivated daily and is in the interpretation we make of the things that are happening, of those that have already happened and of those that will happen in the future.

Different thoughts give rise to different ways of managing situations, this flexibility is closely related to emotional freedom and our ability to adapt and be .

Keys to cultivate the mind

How to cultivate a fertile, rich and abundant mind?

Some foods ignored in some cultures are delicacies in others.

There are a thousand ways to greet, to celebrate, to drive, to eat, to face a duel, to interact, to overcome conflicts, to communicate…

The more forms we know and accept, the more flexible our mind becomes.

As if it were a meadow, the more diversity of elements we incorporate into our fertile and rich becomes.

So what should we sow in our mind? We are the sowers, our thoughts are the seeds, and our emotions are the water that makes them grow.

Consequently, we have the ability to create our reality with our thoughts, words and actions.

And this will depend on what we cultivate in our mind.

You must explore your knowledge to grow your awareness.

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If you want to enrich your mind, explore different ways of doing your daily activities, try to think for a moment as someone totally different from you would, play acting from different roles with which you do not identify,…

In short, open your thinking to the .


If we want the fruits of our knowledge to sprout each season, we must carefully choose each seed.

As Umberto Eco said “The beauty of the universe is not only unity in variety, but also diversity in unity” And you, what do you cultivate in the field of your mind?

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