Life through a screen –

In recent decades we have been able to observe a growing number of followers of new technologies. Going so far as to create a new dimension in interpersonal relationships, the technological dimension. Little by little, we have been replacing it with a more distant one, in which instead of interacting face to face, we do so from screen to screen, or from monitor to monitor.

In many ways we have replaced the real world with a digital experience. We can be sitting in a cafeteria while using social networks or instant messaging applications with other people who are not there, neglecting and without fully enjoying the authentic presence, that of those who are right in front of us. Look at your next gathering of friends or family mealHas this development meant an evolution or a regression in your ?

It is possible that unknowingly something seemingly harmless and habitual could be taking on the characteristics of a .

Pay attention to the moment in which we receive a new “like” or a positive comment on social networks, how does it make you feel? what thoughts arise? There is nothing wrong or negative in using social networks, however, what we use them for can help us get to know ourselves better. What kind of photo do I have on my profile? what do i want to stream? What part of me do I want them to see… and what part I don’t?

Many of the advantages that the so-called “technology society” has brought about are the facilities for sharing and receiving information. Any content is at our disposal, waiting for just one “click” to view it. This might seem, a priori, a great innovation, since we don’t have to wait to get what we want to see or hear. Nevertheless, This immediate reward can become a double-edged sword since, due to the ease of obtaining it, our tolerance for frustration can be reduced.

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In line with the latter, we can observe another significant change. TV shows used to have a full stop. When the chapter ended, you inevitably had to wait a certain time to see the next one. Technologies and the internet provide us with virtually infinite content, in which we are the ones who have to decide when we have had enoughWhen is it time to stop? Using these technologies requires our responsibility. This can be a great advantage or, on the contrary, a great means of evasion from what surrounds us.

As the artist David Byrne says “Technology has also flooded the world… Now silence is the rarity we pay for and savor”.

Before going back to your computer, tablet or mobile, take a moment, breathe, observe and ask yourself What is the use of connecting to the internet, mobile phone or a video game? Perhaps you can ask yourself, am I using it to evade myself? If this is the case, what do you want to escape from? We could ask you: am I using technology to improve my life, or to escape from it?

The more weight we give to living from this other reality, the more we will miss out on what happens to us in “real life.” A sunset, a meeting with friends, or just a walk… do you allow yourself to enjoy these moments? Technologies have helped us to evolve and be more than ever with others but when, instead of, we experience it from a virtual reality, we lose everything we wanted to improve. Do you use new technologies to replace or complement your personal experience?

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“Today, speaking of technology, not only must take into account the hardware (the instrument, the device…) and the software (the rules that allow the use of the hardware), but also what is called brainware (knowware), ( the why, how, when, where… Use the hardware and the software).”

Augusti Chalaux.

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