4 keys for the transition to adult life –

one. we are adaptive beings

In our childhood we learn, nonjudgmentally and innocently, what is safe and what is dangerous, and we copy behaviors and attitudes that can later unconsciously limit us. In the future they will act as automatic responses that will help us survive and be accepted. As we are presented with various situations throughout our lives, we reproduce these patterns. As conscious beings, we have the ability to question whether those responses and learning really serve us currently, and we can replace them with new behaviors and values. Reorganize our survival system by storing new messages and experiences.

2. Transcend unconscious inheritances

From our parents all their values ​​and prejudices, which they have transmitted to us in the same way that they acquired them from theirs. By questioning them, we stop being robotic beings, who memorize and reproduce patterns and behaviors simply to obtain the , from having acted in the most correct way to get the approval of our environment, and we become conscious beings, creating our own reality, learning and growing. . In other words, it is only when we take control of our own lives that we can and are truly independent adults.

3. individuation process

When adulthood arrives and we separate from our parents, we believe that we are leading our own lives. But in most cases we continue under their influence, directly or indirectly. True maturity is the ability to break with those inherited patterns in the form of beliefs, behaviors, capacities, that condition us and prevent us from questioning what there may be. We believe that life evolves gradually, but it really is made up of defined stages and transitions. We become adults from a specific date. Thus, to really grow, a process is needed that, in Jungian philosophy, is called the “individuation process”, which consists of breaking those ties that bind us to our parents, that limit us to grow and evolve as people and

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Four. Rituals of entry into adulthood

Even today, in many ancient cultures, transition rituals are still performed that empower a person to move into adulthood. These tests are a personal challenge, so that once passed, the child is left behind, and reintegrates into the community as an adult, often with a new name, a new identity, which gives respect and approval for part of his clan and himself.

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