Home psychologist services

The treatment of problems of psychological origin and conduct, both in adults and in children and adolescents, at home has numerous advantages. In this way, the query is developed with greater comfortwithout waiting times and with the maximum discretion.

Especially focused on working with children, the environment of the home It allows observing and treating many aspects that could be overlooked in the consultation, when carried out in an unnatural or habitual environment. In addition, there are disorders in which one of its characteristics is the difficulty that people have to commute, go out, socialize or travel; so a psychologist at home It allows them to access psychological therapy in a simpler and more uncomplicated way.

The cost of the different stages of the process is agreed jointly with the patient or, the parents in the case of children and adolescents, depending on the location, type of problem and duration of the stage of diagnosis and data collection.

How we work at home

focus with children

A member of the team will come to your home and, after an initial interviewwill study the case live, remaining at home for the necessary time to evaluate the issueobserving the conduct of the boy or girl, analyzing how act and how adults respond to their behavior. This period of study and evaluation will be complemented by some records of conduct that parents must comply with. Subsequently, guidelines will be given regarding the diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment to follow.

See also  Behavioral Disorders: Biodecoding and Treatment

The treatments applied consist of techniques of modification of conductfocused and appropriate for the case in question and, applied by the parents, under the supervision of the psychologist, who follows coming at home in order for parents to master the skills of control and behavior modification. In other cases, such as in the phobiasthe psychologist directly applies the treatment, with the collaboration of the parents who act as fellow therapists

If during the observation period it is detected that the boy or girl could suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the psychologist will carry out the tests and previous diagnostic evaluations. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the therapist will design the treatment specifically in coordination with the psychiatrist or neurologistadapted to the characteristics individual of the child, such as gender or age, and external agents such as the family and social environment. In this sense, the treatment multimodalfrom joint assessments of professionals, parents and teachers, is the one that offers the best results. This means simultaneously coordinating type treatments pharmacologicalpsychological and psychopedagogical.

Likewise, in Vertices Psychologists We provide Psycho-educational Support services at Home, where programs are implemented that provide toolsskills and meansto understand each evolutionary stage and prevent effectively and positively, the conflicts that may appear, as well as improve the relationship and communication between them from an integral perspective.

Focus with adults

The process with adults, unlike with children and adolescents, takes place in four stages, Evaluation, Hypothesis, Treatment and Follow-up.

See also  Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

During the stage of Evaluation, the psychologist is in charge of gathering the necessary information about the problem. It is necessary to know in detail everything related to it to find out the source and why it is maintained over time. Only in this way can an adequate treatment plan be designed for each case. specific.

During the stage of HypothesisOnce the evaluation is done, the psychologist can identify what is happening, why it happens, what has led the person to this point and what needs to be done to achieve the desired change. In this phase, all the information obtained during the previous phase is explained and a solution is proposed (although from the first session and whenever possible, an attempt is made to give some guideline to start the improvement process).

During the stage of Treatment It is when the different techniques of psychological intervention are applied. This is the longest stage of all, but it is the one that really achieves the changes Wanted. The duration of this stage essentially depends on the type of issuethe seriousness of it and the motivation that the patient has to overcome it.

Finally, during the stage of Tracingonce the entire therapeutic process has been applied, the consultations will be more and more spaced since the problem has been successfully resolved and only certain guidelines must be learned to be able to deal with possible difficulties future. What is sought with this stage is get that, the welfare achieved during the therapy, be permanent and do not relapse. Progressively, the sessionseven reducing them to simple phone calls to confirm the status psychic and emotional of the patient.

See also  Anxiety and depression