
In all of our centers in Madrid and in Las Rozas, Boadilla, Pozuelo, Torrelodones, Villalba, Galapagar, Majadahonda and El Escorial, we treat phobic disorders by applying third-generation therapeutic techniques and advanced psychotherapy, with bases and scientific and therapeutic foundations, of and Humanist Therapies such as, with more than 20 years of clinical research and 50 years of international progress, adapted to our current sociocultural reality, establishing routines and disciplines in harmony with the life and environment of the patient, which allows them to fully integrate into their social and family group.

Types and classes of phobias

The phobia, since it is a more or less conscious fear that is accompanied by a component of anxiety, manifests itself in various ways and intensities. It could be said that there are as many phobias as people, since every human being can develop a phobia about any situation, animal, person, place and object. The types more habitual of phobias are:

  • Certain animals such as insects, dogs, snakes

  • Injections, blood and other medical and hospital situations

  • Closed spaces

  • To fly

  • Public places

  • storms

  • High places

Each type of phobia has a scientific name. Examples of this are: acrophobia (fear of height), agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), algophobia (fear of pain), androphobia (fear of men), hypnophobia (fear of sleep), pedophobia (fear of children), claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), cynophobia (fear of dogs), demophobia (fear of crowds), erythrophobia (fear of the color red), entomophobia (fear of insects), anteopophobia (fear of people), autophobia (fear of being alone), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), bathophobia (fear of depth), catagelophobia (fear of ridicule), pathophobia (fear of disease), thanatofobito (fear of death), traumatophobia (fear of accidents), zoophobia (fear of animals), gynophobia (fear of women), hydrophobia (afraid of water), hodophobia (fear of travel), iophobia (fear of poisons), mysophobia (fear of filth), agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), algophobia (fear of pain), nyctophobia (fear of the dark).

See also  psychology services

Therapy and Treatment for Phobic Disorder and Phobias

The team of specialists Vertices Psychologistsuses the therapy of , with elements , for the treatment of phobias, using techniques of immersion and graduated Exposure therapies, such as the so-called Systematic Desensitization or DS. Given that most of the patients who manifest some type of phobia are aware that they are suffering from a disproportionate and irrational fear, regardless of whether this knowledge and assumption does not prevent them from continuing to manifest this extreme emotional reaction to the phobic stimulus, the graduated exposure to the stimulus and the therapy work with the aim of desensitizing the patient and changing the behavior schemes. thought they are participating in generating your fear. For the therapeutic intervention to have an effect, the patient must be willing to undergo a treatment that can last a few months.

Sometimes, depending on the depth and rooting of the phobia, the type and more or less extreme behavior that the patient manifests towards the phobic stimulus, the team of psychologists from Vertices Psychologists You can also use other techniques such as Neurolinguistic Programming, or Brain Hemisphere Synchronization, all of them valid for treating certain types of specific phobias.

The psychotherapy makes it possible to treat specific phobias, while teaching the patient the origins of his disorder and providing him with methodologies to control anxiety before the stimulus that triggers the phobia. During the sessions, we provide the patient with a large amount of information about the situation, object, animal or person they fear, in order for them to generate confidence progressively.

See also  Psychoanalysis

Through the technique of Exposition therapists confront the patient with the feared situation, applying the stimulus gradually and progressively so that the patient gradually controls their fears.

By using the technique of Systematic Desensitizationa, the stimulus causing the phobia is projected onto the patient using the imagination.

In both techniques, the exposure or imagination of the stimulus is cut off when the person becomes unable to control your anxiety, starting again when the tension is released. A progressive use of these techniques, they are getting the patient to resist increasingly long periods of exposure to the stimulus and losing fear