Personal strengths and weaknesses

On the path to self-esteem, we can carry out different self-discovery exercises. One of the most important is to identify What are personal strengths and weaknesses. This information helps us have a more realistic view of our inner map.

To do this, we can help ourselves with the Johari window, a psychology tool created by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham. A window with four fundamental elements that allow you to identify four important parts of yourself.

There is an area free of yourself where the information that you know and that others also know about you is found. For example, what you have studied and what you do professionally. However, there is also a blind area, that is, an area that contains details that you do not know and that, however, others identify in you. For example, some defects.

He hidden area It’s that part where your secrets are found, that is, information that you know but that others ignore. And finally, in the unknown area lies unconscious information that you ignore about yourself, and so do others.

For know your strengths and weaknesses In an objective way, try to complement your own perspective with the feedback you receive from your closest friends and loved ones. For example, to receive feedback on your strengths, you can ask five people around you to send you by WhatsApp a list of five positive points that they value in you. You can explain to them that this is a self-knowledge exercise for which you require their collaboration and they will surely be happy to help you.

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When identifying these strengths and weaknesses we can take many different factors into account. For example, it often happens that when we observe an attitude that bothers us in another person it is because that attitude is not remembering something about our own character.

Make a list of virtues that you appreciate in yourself and also identify your main weak point, that energy thief that regularly gets in the way of your path to happiness.

The strengths and weaknesses, although different, have points in common. They are not innate elements but rather they are trained. That is, you strengthen your virtues through the power of repetition, just as it happens with those defects in which you reaffirm yourself time after time. But in addition, both elements are also focused in the direction of personal improvement. You perfect yourself through the practice of virtues and, also, you have the opportunity to develop new virtues when you identify those weaknesses that you can correct through a gift as important as patience.

Through patience you can make Your virtues are greater and your strengths are weaker. Summer is a time of year very conducive to introspection. Encourage the habit of summer journaling. This can help you live a summer season becoming more aware of who you are and how you want to become.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.