Emotional origin of lupus erythematosus and how to heal it definitively.

It is an autoimmune disorder that mainly affects women.

It is characterized by red spots that scale and can affect any part of the body.

The most frequent sites are the reproductive system, the spleen, the skin, the lungs, the blood vessels, the kidneys, the liver, and the nervous system.

Among the most common symptoms are:

Pain or inflammation in the joints and muscles.

Fever, tiredness, and red skin rashes, usually in the shape of a butterfly.

That is why it could be said that lupus is not a disease but rather a set of various and diverse symptoms.

They tell us about different emotional conflicts that may be happening at the same time, either simultaneously or very closely, one after the other.

My life is chaos, I resolve a conflict and when I am already in something else, I fall back, again, in the same previous situation and so on continuously.

Faced with any symptom of lupus, I should look for situations in my life related to:

Conflict of devaluation and/or self-devaluation: It affects the bones and joints and causes pain and inflammation in these organs.

Sensation of being uprooted, of feeling out of place: Linked to the kidneys and produces fluid retention and edema.

Separation conflict: It will affect the .

Also, if for some reason I was afraid of dying, it would affect the lungs.

Base conflict: “I do not deserve to exist.”

“I’ve had a bad time all my life, everything bad happens to me.”

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“I have lived shortcomings all my life, I can’t take it anymore.”

“Something sucks in my life.”

“I give up my life.”

“Better to die than to be worth nothing.”

“My life is worthless and nobody cares.”

“I am so angry that I punish myself.”

You have to look in the , stories related to the most affected organ: kidneys, bones or muscles. To rule out that lupus is inherited from another family member in the tree.

Not precisely because the relative has suffered from lupus, but because they have led a life with these same emotions.

Lupus (Latin for wolf) indicates deep emotional guilt, perhaps due to a shameful experience or past abuse (dirt conflict, stain).

The affected person feels anger, hatred and a desire for self-punishment, for considering themselves aggressive and fierce towards their loved ones.

The aggressions that we have not expressed attack us and we self-destruct. We prefer death rather than forgive and love each other. We have become our own enemy.

The skin represents our border, but it also symbolizes tenderness, contact with the environment.

The face symbolizes identity, the image we see or have of ourselves. It manifests what we express to the world.

Lupus indicates that we have definitively given up on showing ourselves as we are.

This disease shows us our inability to recognize ourselves, to see ourselves or to accept ourselves as we are.

We project this difficulty on the world, on the outside, we think that they do not recognize us, that they do not understand us and we keep fighting with it.

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We consider and qualify people or things as good or bad, in absolute terms, without establishing any type of nuance or any other consideration.

This state of conflict and compulsive defense in which we remain leads us to destroy ourselves, believing that we are destroying the world (to defend ourselves, not to harm the world).

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link:

Image: fisioterapiamagallanes.es