Emotional origin of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease that affects the motor neurons of the brain, which stop working and therefore stop sending messages to the muscles, causing muscle weakness and inability to move.

It is an urgent symptom, since the sooner we locate the emotional conflict that triggers it, the faster we will prevent the progression of the disease and, at the same time, we will prevent the number of damaged motor neurons from increasing.

The affected person has lived, approximately in the space of a year prior to the appearance of the symptoms, a conflict of great devaluation related to the movement.

What gesture or movement, real or symbolic, did I not do and what should I have done?

What movement, real or symbolic, am I afraid to do?

“If I move, I’ll die”, “I was wrong to make that decision, to take that step”, “I don’t want to go forward, but in no way will I go back”, “I’m afraid of my surroundings”, “I have someone by my side or behind me that I feel as a threat and I prefer not to move “

These situations in which I feel devalued and powerless may be related to school or work colleagues, friends, and even my own partner.

That is, with those people who can represent a “competition” for me. “If I compete against that person, I will be defeated”

Likewise, it can activate plaque sclerosis if I am “afraid of falling” down and not being able to get up or that it will cause me death.

It can refer to a real or symbolic fall, such as falling down a ladder, from a building, from a tower or from something that can fall on my head, etc.

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It can also refer to a symbolic fall, such as falling down a rank in the youwork, in the company, the fall of a project, the fall of a relationship, etc.

In addition, with the aggravating circumstance of not being able to return to the place where I was. “I can’t get up”, “I can’t get my business back on track”, “I’ve fallen so low that I won’t be able to recover my previous position”, “I won’t be able to raise my marriage again”. How can I sink so low?

In the same way, it can refer to having experienced a lateral movement conflict with threats.

Was there any side threat?

Have I lived an experience related to having felt displaced and as a consequence I start to stumble, lose my step, lose my rhythm, until I fall because the other has defeated me?

“I was the best and they replaced me with another”, “A new classmate came to my class, to my work and he is better than me, I have felt displaced”

Depending on the part of the body affected: Which muscles are damaged? What vertebra does the muscle come from?

Legs: In relation to wanting to flee, to go or not to go, to follow or accompany. What or who do I want to run away from? Sometimes it’s about very simple and everyday things.

For example: before the imminent arrival of a project, a child, a commitment, etc.

In other words, in the face of any circumstance that represents a change, a novelty, an unforeseen event because I am a very structured person, very methodical and I am afraid of not being able to organize my life the way I want.

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Arms: In relation to not being able to hold something or reject.

back and shoulders: In relation to something (a load) that we cannot dodge or avoid.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis mainly affects individuals with excessive self-esteem, powerful, intelligent, daring, who believed they were the best at what they did and, at the same time, inflexible, controlling and perfectionist.

Very critical with themselves and with others and very reluctant to changes that have not been planned or proposed by themselves, because that destroys them, since it implies ceasing to be the best and becoming one more.

To try to avoid it, they make great efforts to improve themselves but they think that they are always insufficient and they believe that they do not deserve to rest.

They are very afraid of making mistakes and hardly accept help. “When I feel diminished, I have the feeling that life is crushing me”, “I fear being forgotten”, “I am afraid they will abandon me”.

It is very important to analyze in search of a ghost or recumbent with which the affected person has an affinity.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

I renounce to continue fighting to be the strongest.

I learn to trust myself.

I love, accept and value myself as I am.

I am open to interact with others and receive their help.

(Read also)

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Image: urbanfisio.com

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