CANCER, emotional causes and the way to overcome and cure it

The natural cure of cancer is simply ignored for dogmatic reasons so that cancer continues to be a disease from which one must die and through which the patient continues to be manipulated. Dr Hamer

Cancer, to this day, continues to be one of the most important pending subjects for scientists.

Huge amounts of resources have been devoted to its study with hardly any therapeutic results.

Currently it is still considered as the great “bogeyman” of humanity as a devastating disease and almost everyone is terrified of contracting it.

But what is cancer? What is known at a social level about this disease?

It is still believed that there is no cure (if it is not arrived on time, they say), and that you have to undergo a medical protocol that includes chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, plus subsequent treatment for several years.

In addition, according to what they tell us, we must pray so that it does not return or that it does not invade other organs (metastasis), which leaves those who have it quite depressed and discouraged.

In other words, from the moment cancer is diagnosed, a struggle between life and death begins for the individual.

Many people still believe that this disease has an external origin and attribute it to food, microwave radiation, telephone masts and even solar radiation, but this is not the case.

According to Dr. R. Hamer, cancer originates as a result of a personal tragedy (such as the one he experienced, the death of his son).

An unexpected, high-intensity emotional impact that catches the person completely off guard.

And that, in addition, because of their education, their fears, their beliefs, etc. he does not allow himself to express his suffering, nor the loss of references, of illusions, of joy that the experience has produced in him.

Rather, he lives it in interior isolation, he keeps it within himself, without sharing it with the people around him. And also, it doesn’t find a solution, it can’t do anything, it can’t see the output.

Of course, we are not talking about a minor conflict, no.

It is always a tremendously strong and heartbreaking experience that the person has been unable to bear.

Like the death of a very loved one, an unexpected separation, the betrayal of someone we blindly trusted, an infidelity from our partner whom we love deeply or the loss of a job, a house, property, money, etc. etc.

This blow will gradually affect the entire psychological structure of the person and will impair their ability to experience the joy of living.

Without a doubt, it must be said that not all emotional impacts cause cancer or any other serious disease, no.

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It depends on how the person reacts, how they deal with it, depending on their way of being, their strength, beliefs, etc.

It is still believed that it is the tumor that kills the person, but in reality this is not the case.

What can kill is the dramatic emotional conflict that he experienced, which undermined his strength, weakened him and undermined his desire to continue living.

Undoubtedly, if the conflict lasts, his energy will decrease and, finally, he dies from energy exhaustion, not from the tumor.

As can be understood, a situation like this cannot be cured with medicines (radiotherapy, chemotherapy), which, by the way, have very important side effects due to their toxicity.

And what they do is weaken the person’s immune system, which, as we have said, was already quite deteriorated by suffering, due to the emotional impact they experienced.

Following Dr. Hamer’s judgment and experience, all diseases have a special biological significance and purpose that can be explained and understood through biology, embryology, and evolutionary work.

He considers illness as a natural biological process that the organism sets in motion when a strong, unexpected traumatic shock is suffered, capable of generating what he would call a “biological conflict”.

Conflict that, while it is not resolved, leads the organism to respond with a whole series of changes in its cells that can cause various pathologies, including cancer.

However, when this conflict is definitively resolved and relapses do not occur, a healing process begins.

Thus, the patient, once he has known and understood the how and why of his disease, it is enough for him to follow some simple non-aggressive therapeutic measures to heal.

With which you can reach the conclusion that a disease is not a problem, it is a solution, it is a biological attempt at a solution.

And the same goes for animals, since biologically speaking they are identical to humans.

I want to give you the example of an animal that, desperately hungry, chokes a bone from its prey down its throat. It will immediately activate what is known as the “survival program” and it will begin to develop a large number of new cells (tumor).

To achieve greater effectiveness in the crushing and decomposition of the bone that allows the animal to continue eating normally.

If the conflict is resolved, the program disappears, because it has already fulfilled its objective, its meaning for which it was created; that is, what we call disease, is cured.

But if the bone is large and the cells fail to be effective in their task of destroying it, the brain will continue to increase their production, so the tumor will increase and the animal will not survive.

Exactly the same thing happens to people, but instead of being a food that is difficult to digest, what it is about is very strong emotions that we cannot swallow, accept, digest, etc.

Bearing in mind that for the unconscious what is real and what is symbolic is the same, when faced with an indigestible conflict the brain immediately activates the survival program, and it will begin to segregate cancer cells in order to digest what it feels is “indigestible”. ”.

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And the same happens after a conflict of “fear of dying”, a tumor will quickly form in the pulmonary alveoli in order to be able to trap more oxygen and prevent it from dying.

In the same way, if I lose my job and I feel it as a fear of lack, due to lack of money, liver cancer will develop, to somehow try to enlarge the pantry to store more food.

Once the person with cancer becomes aware and finds the emotional conflict, expresses their pain, their fear and also finds a new job, the biological survival program is deactivated and the tumor goes into remission and the body’s cells begin to regenerate. .

How can the metastasis hypothesis be explained from this perspective?

Conventional medicine theory is based on the claim that cancer cells from a primary tumor travel through the blood or lymphatic vessels to other parts of the body where they cause cancerous growth in the new organ.

Dr. Hamer’s research clearly shows that each cell proliferation “cancerous growth” is related to a specific biological conflict.

It is known from the science of histology and embryology that under no circumstances can cells cross the threshold of their germ layer.

And therefore, a kidney cell cannot be transformed into a bone cell or a breast cell into a liver cell, etc.

Therefore, what is known as metastasis does not refer to cells traveling from one part of the body to another.

Rather, it refers to how Dr. Hamer discovered, to new conflicts unleashed from the original cancer.

For example: A person is diagnosed with a brain tumor and, reading the statistics on the Internet about the chances of staying alive with this symptom and listening to the comments of the doctors, they begin to feel intense fear of dying.

Then he will develop a new cancer in his , which will have the biological sense to save his life.

Another case would be that of a man diagnosed with prostate cancer and, as a consequence, he begins to worry about his masculine sexual aspect.

This makes him fall into a great devaluation and he develops bone cancer as his structure as a man collapses.

With which it is demonstrated that such anarchy of which one speaks does not exist in our biology.

But, on the contrary, everything happens from a behavior totally ordered by our brain based on the experiences that we have lived.

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And, therefore, if other tumors appear, they have nothing to do with the original cancer, but are due to other dramatic conflicts that the individual has subsequently experienced.

And this, moreover, is endorsed by Dr. Hamer, referring to the life cycle of cells that, as is known, never live more than five years.

How is it possible that after attacking and destroying cells, “good and bad” with artillery cannons (chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy) metastases appear 8 or 10 years after the original cancer, thus circumventing its life cycle?

Is it possible to conceive of such chaos in the human body which, as everyone knows, is the most perfect machine imaginable?

I want to emphasize that most cases of cancer are due to their own emotional impacts.

But in those cases in which the individual does not acknowledge having lived a dramatic experience like the ones I have described or, in those children who are already born with this disease, we will have to analyze the felt project, to discover if it was our mother who lived it.

Or use our to analyze if it is a program that we have inherited from an ancestor.

To conclude, I would like to emphasize that cancer is a disease that, like any other, is completely curable, although it is, and it must be recognized, a more painful and longer process.

Generally, the time it takes for a tumor to manifest ranges from 6 months to 1 year, after the dramatic event occurred to the person.

I want to emphatically make it clear that there is no need to pay any attention to that phrase that has already become a refrain of “if it is discovered in time.”

No, it has nothing to do with carrying out the healing process.

And of course it is not at all about waging a war against cancer, but rather we must understand it.

Healing depends exclusively on the sick person, because only she will be able to face the emotional situation that made her sick, in a creative way, only she will be able to express the true feelings that she repressed and that were the ones that made her sick.

And getting rid of them, the brain will immediately deactivate the biological survival program.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

The cancer patient needs to get moving, change dramatically, grow and promote their development.

They need to assume their own responsibility, take the reins and not allow others to make decisions for them.

He has to learn to defend himself, to say “no”, to rebel against the immovable rules.

To skip the barriers and limits that imprison and drown him. She must live life to the full, accepting and expressing the polarity of…