Emotional origin of endometriosis and how to consciously heal it

It is a gynecological condition that is characterized by the abnormal presence of uterine mucosa in places of the body where it should not be.

For example: in the pelvic cavity (, behind the uterus, in the uterine ligaments, in the urinary bladder or in the intestine).

The biological meaning of this symptom is trying to conceive at all costs. There is no concept of “first house” or it cannot be conceived in it (due to memories of abortion, for example). Or, perhaps, because in my clan it is frowned upon to have children without having previously formed a family, that is, without having a stable partner and being married.

“I want to get pregnant, but I can’t receive my son in this home, in this house where I live, because it’s small, cold, it’s not well located, I want it to be somewhere else.”

“I am not like my mother, I will be a great mother and I want a good place for my son.”

Depending on where the uterine mucosa moves:

Inside: There were problems with children who died for not having a home.

Exterior: Location conflict, I have to find another place.

In the ovaries: “I want very fast offspring, because there have been abortions and I want to take care of the eggs.

In the : conflict between her mother and her partner. He can’t stand her and prevents her from frequenting her home.

Although she wants to have a child to please her mother, she cannot have him at home, since her mother is banned from it and, for this reason, the mucosa of the uterus moves towards the bladder, the organ that serves to mark the territory.

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“I really want to be pregnant, but I can’t take the child in the place that I should, so I take it outside (the home is outside; the family is disintegrated).

Impression that the house is not ours. “I’m not at home”. “I am excluded from the house.”

In the belly button: Dirt to be removed regarding pregnancy. Attack against integrity with family connotations.

In the : Dirty conflict related to pregnancy that I cannot eliminate (forgive).

Uterine adenomyosis: Inability to carry the pregnancy to a good term.

“I am not ready to be a mother, I have no resources to be. I don’t have the perfect partner.

I was abused.”

Causes : We must search our ancestors, in case we are doubles, children who have lived without a safe house or children who died outside the home.

Also abortions related to unsafe houses.

Endometriosis can also manifest itself in women who, although they want to have a child, cannot conceive because they are unconsciously afraid of the consequences of childbirth (suffering enormously or dying). Or perhaps, because they fear that the child will break the harmony of the couple, or out of fear in relation to the world as it is and the uncertainties of the future.

Many women with endometriosis have had a tense, difficult, painful, and sometimes even violent emotional relationship with their own mother.

These are mothers who invade their daughter’s life, who lack affective capacity and who constantly reproach and offend her.

As a consequence of this complicated relationship, the woman tends to harden physically and develop a masculine attitude in life.

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Like, for example, the inclination to force things, to want to direct everything, to maintain power relations or to overload ourselves with activities.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

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