Stay away from hopelessly negative people — Get to know us

We all have an acquaintance or two who are negative and who seem to know everything there is to know about what is wrong with this world.

Being around these guys may just be a bit unpleasant and difficult, but if you’re like me, after a few moments you’ll start fidgeting in your seat, trying to decide what to do next.

Unfortunately, there are no laws under which you can sue negative people for interfering in your life.

It is important that you spot negative people early so that you can act appropriately, because they will try to undermine your optimism in every possible way.

They’ll bore you with bad omens and gossip, keep telling you about all the negative things in their lives when you already know more about them than you’d like.

If you stay with them too long, they will influence you and you will see nothing but a gloomy and depressing world.
Negative individuals believe that the entire world is against them and, for some strange reason, they want everyone to think the same.

They are critics who know everything, or so they think.

Negative people court others to support their claim that the world is a filthy place.

And once they do, they cling to them like glue.

Some of these people spend their entire lives making others miserable and seem to take pleasure in their efforts for no good reason.
One of the most “captivating” traits of negative people is their willingness to do whatever they can to bring positive people down to their level of depression.

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Unhappiness not only loves company, it demands it.

These people have an endless supply of bad luck stories capable of depressing even the most enthusiastic and energetic people.

You can bet that it was one of these negative people who wrote the graffiti: “You can never be too paranoid.

It is possible that someone is conspiring to make you happy.
Nothing annoys negative and unmotivated people more than positive and successful individuals. You may think that you can convince negative people to be remarkably positive, like you are.

But the reality is that you probably won’t make many converts, no matter how hard you try.

Accept that there are people who prefer to look at the world from a wickedly distorted point of view.
If you are a good Samaritan who likes to adopt one or two of the most annoying people as your personal project, I must warn you of the futility of this venture.

Unless you can provide them with a personality transplant, all your efforts will be in vain.

Even when their happiness and survival are at stake, most negative people will not change their nature.

In his book “One”, Richard Bach wrote:

“There is no one who can solve the problems of someone whose problem is that they do not want their problems solved.”
Negative people will creep into your life whenever they get a chance, and you must be able to stop them before they start.

The best strategy is to avoid people who bring the worst in you to the surface.

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Try leading them in one direction while you go the other.

If, in any way, you find yourself in the company of someone who habitually drains your energy, it won’t be wise to stay there.

Don’t stay away from negative people. Get away at full speed!
Source: 101 things you already know but always forget. Ernie Zelensky.

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