Emotional causes that affect the PINKY toe

This finger is linked to the “, in relation to my mother or my collaterals.

He is in charge of examining the territory and seeking balance.

Everything we consider to be “ours” is territory. It can be our house, partner, children, family, work, room, etc.

This toe can be affected if I feel like I’m losing my territory or at risk of losing it.

“Sharing my room is uncomfortable”,

“They want to take away my house”,

“I don’t want to share my space.”

Likewise, I can have ailments if I feel guilty for not having taken care of my territory enough or because I lack the courage to defend it or because I don’t enjoy it, etc.

If I don’t like to speak in public or defend my ideas, if I’m unstable or feel vulnerable, my little finger will hide under the .

The more I feel able to defend my territory, the straighter and firmer my little toe will be.

See also  Emotional origin of hodgkin lymphoma and how to heal it.