Emotional significance of problems during PREGNANCY

On a biological level, pregnancy is like a tumor and at first the mother produces antibodies to deal with this foreign body.

It is the only “natural tumor” in the uterus with multiplication of cells, with the particularity that they are cells from another person.

Fertilization is the concretization of a project. A child’s project is, on the one hand, conscious and on the other, unconscious. On many occasions it is totally unconscious.

Pregnancy may itself be a conflict, but the woman may not be aware of it.

It may be an unwanted child due to a failure in contraceptive methods, because it happens at a time that is not good for the woman.

Or perhaps, because you do not consider your partner the ideal man to be the father of your child, or, perhaps, you do not feel happy within the new family, etc.

On the contrary, pregnancy can often represent the resolution of a conflict.

For example: by not being able to have children, the woman can feel useless, or feel that she lacks her own place and therefore feel devalued.

Or perhaps you may have problems with a lack of recognition of your own femininity and yet, when you get pregnant, these conflicts disappear, they no longer affect you.

The resolution of these conflicts is usually accompanied by physical symptoms such as edema or abundant vomiting, which usually disappear after two months of pregnancy.

If they were to occur for a longer time, it could affect the normal development of the baby.

Pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth.

Ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy: If a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus it is called an ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy.

The conflict that this type of pregnancy can cause is that the woman consciously wants to get pregnant but unconsciously does not.

It is a desired and rejected pregnancy at the same time. The woman wants and doesn’t want, at the same time.

For different reasons, she rejects this pregnancy (concerns, financial problems, not having time to take care of the baby, problems at work, with her partner, etc.)

So the phrases you might hear from a woman are:

“I would like to have a child and I don’t want to have it.”

“It’s not the right time.”

“I can’t take responsibility for this baby in this environment.”

“The space I have in my house is very small.”

Who is the father, my husband or my lover? “He’s not the right father.”

My pregnancy is out of the norm, of the uses and customs.

Violent relationship with partner.

Blighted egg/mola or anembryonic gestation: It is an egg fertilized by a sperm but does not start the process of cell division that leads to the formation of the baby.

The egg is said to be “empty.” “To have the wish of a child.”

The mother has a great desire to have a child but without a project, without concretizing, without materializing. She is pregnant with a wish.

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It can also happen that the mother has the desire, and the father a great desire not to have it or vice versa.

Uterine contractions during pregnancy:

It may be due to a drama experienced by the mother during pregnancy. The uterus contracts as if she wants to remove the baby.

This feels pain and lack of space at some point, so the solution is to have the birth before the contractions.

We can find out: what is it that the mother experienced in the same month of pregnancy with her own mother?

Example: “I would like to kick someone out of my house, my family, leave myself.”

Toxaemia gravidarum, eclampsia:

Toxemia: The placenta becomes toxic.

“I am afraid of death, I am afraid of dying during childbirth.”

Eclampsia: It is the acute accident of pregnancy toxemia that consists of a repeated access of convulsions followed by a coma. It is a serious urgent problem; During childbirth, hemorrhages, arterial hypertension, edema, possibly epilepsy, kidney problems, etc. occur.

The mother is as if she had the feeling or the need to:

“I want to kill someone to give life to this child (Husband, Father, etc.)”.

Edema: when edema appears in the legs or arms, it may be a phase of resolution of a conflict prior to conception and in this resolution the notion of: “I lose all my references” appears.

: The hemorrhage is linked to the blood and this represents the family, therefore it is a conflict in relation to the family.

“I want to remove someone from my family.”

If it is a blood clot, it can mean: “I want to eliminate the union between two people or this union attacks me.”

Anemia: It can appear in very conflictive family pictures.

“I don’t want to bother the other, I don’t want to take their place, their oxygen.” “I’m afraid of disturbing.” “I don’t have the right to be in this family.” “To survive it is necessary not to respond, not to fight.” “I have no right to fight.”

They affect the veins that are around the anus, therefore it is a family issue. Who I am?

“I have no place in this family. I have no place with this new identity (Mom).”

Who am I, the wife of my husband or the mother of my child?

Overproduction of milk: I am afraid for the baby during the pregnancy (for example, having undergone several amniocentesis).

Descaling: As it affects the bones, it is a conflict of devaluation.

What am I good for? I feel useless.

HR incompatibility: “I do not want this toxic and deadly family and I must protect my son.”

“I would like my son not to belong to this family.”

Esophageal atresia: (The esophagus does not develop properly)

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My son has no need but me and I want to give him everything through my blood.

I resist to defend myself and fight. To protect my family. (It may happen that her partner does not want the baby and wants her to abort).

Spots on the face: (See Chloasma)

Umbilical cord around the neck: In many cases, people who have suffered from this problem, as adults, can feel tightness in the throat.

Problems with liquids (including economic liquidity).

“If I have liquid, it can kill me.”

Mother’s problems with her partner.

“It is necessary to sacrifice the child, so that the couple lives.”

People who are born with the umbilical cord around their neck, as adults, often have difficulties to earn a living, to be financially autonomous, because their unconscious has recorded that the age of autonomy of the person, that is, the exit from the womb maternal represents a danger of death.

Previous placenta: (This is when the placenta is placed in the cervix and the baby cannot come out.)

“I protect my child from rape by the father or from any other aggression.

My child could be attacked.” (It can happen to the woman that she doesn’t feel like having sex during her pregnancy but, nevertheless, her partner requests it).

Premature abruption of the placenta: Separation of the placenta from the uterine wall before delivery of the baby.

The placenta has a protective function. I stop worrying about the baby (I stop protecting it) due to the appearance of a problem that I consider to be of greater importance.

At some point I get such a strong fear that I fear for my life, and as a biological solution I stop worrying about the baby to save my life.

Conflict of toxic mom. “I am afraid of being toxic and of harming my baby”. (For example, in women who drink alcohol, smoke, or take drugs.)

“The outside world is dangerous.” (These are women who are afraid to relate).

from the placenta: “I feel afraid of not being able to handle my pregnancy well.”

Premature water rupture or Premature labor: It usually occurs before week 37.

Survival conflict. “Born as soon as possible.”

Devaluation conflict: “As a mother I think that I will not be able to give the child what he needs.”

premature contractions: Contractions are considered premature if they appear before week 36. The baby wants to be born as soon as possible.

Danger. Something is wrong in there, it is preferable to get out as soon as possible.

It is necessary to find out what dangers there were in previous births or pregnancies within the family. Were there abortions?

Twins: The meaning may be linked to the loss of a previous child or to other deaths of children in the family.

They can also occur in families with hyperthyroidism problems, “many children have to be raised quickly and multiple pregnancies have to save time.”

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Types of childbirth: As labor develops, we can define behavior patterns that can affect people when they are adults.

Childbirth blocked:

The pregnancy is going very well, normal labor begins, but it takes too long, labor is blocked, there is fetal distress and an emergency caesarean section is performed.

They are people who develop their projects well but always find it difficult to complete them.

Something always happens that prevents them from successfully completing what they undertake.

“If I conclude I die.”

Very fast deliveries, with no time to get to the hospital:

“Being born quickly saved my life.” Being fast is a good solution. They are people who do everything very quickly, who have many ideas.

Very slow deliveries:

“Being born slowly saved my life.”

They are people who are not in a hurry, they do everything slowly, they are usually lazy.

Breech delivery: “I show who I am.” I was expected as a boy being a girl or vice versa.

“Everything outside is black, negative and I want to back down. Fear of going forward.

Delayed delivery: The gestation period ends and the woman does not go into labor. The baby cannot stay inside any longer.

On the child’s part, “I don’t want to go out and stop the birth.”

On the mother’s side, “I want to continue being a girl, I don’t feel ready.”

Or, “I don’t feel ready to separate from my son.”

abortion: (Premature termination and interruption of pregnancy before day 180).

It is an unconscious survival decision.

It is not possible to continue with the idea of ​​having the baby because I could threaten our own life, the baby’s life or both.

Conflict of fear of dying, (the mother or the baby).

Fear that the child will alter the future of the mother. Fear of not being a good mother or that the child may have serious problems in his life or in his development.

Likewise, the woman can abort if she feels insecure about her partner’s ability to guarantee the survival of the baby due to her emotional or work instability.

It is necessary to inquire into the family history in case there had been abortions, deaths of children or stages of difficulty in their survival.

Also possible deaths or great difficulties of the mother in a pregnancy or childbirth.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

Mourning after an abortion:

After an abortion we must grieve for the Being that has left, either by relaxation and visualization, with NLP or simply by writing a letter to that soul that never came to us with the following sections:

1 Give it a name.

2 Ask him for forgiveness, forgive his departure and forgive us and our ancestors who have gone through similar situations.

3 Ask him if he needs any more work (pay attention to the sensations).

4 Say goodbye and let go, let go.

5 Thank…