How to know if your PARTNER truly LOVES YOU – 13 keys

When we are in a relationship, sometimes, and depending on the moment, we can be plagued by doubts and insecurities about whether our partner really loves us. Sometimes, these signs are so implicit in the relationship that when it has been going on for a while and you have a very established routine, it is good for someone to remind us of what is truly important about a relationship.

Some of these signals may be open communication, active listening or showing interest in establishing common projects. In this Psychology-Online article, we want to give you 13 keys to how to know if your partner really loves you.

He is interested in you

How do you know if your partner really loves you? In a relationship it is important to see that your partner show genuine interest for you, and that this is not just a way to fill in silences or to look good. It really shows that he cares about how your day went, your concerns, etc. To know if it is true, it must be highlighted that in every relationship this interest must be mutual.

Open communication

Communication is very important in couples. For a couple to prosper, communication must be fluid and open. You must be able talk to your partner about everything, from expressing your concerns to expressing your feelings and fears. This communication must also have evolved as the relationship progresses. At first it is logical that you keep more things to yourself, but there must be a change from the initial communication to the communication that is established over time. Furthermore, this communication must be reciprocal, that is, feeling that as one expresses themselves more, the other also does so or vice versa.

Active listening

How to know if your boyfriend really loves you? When you talk to your partner you feel that his 5 senses are focused and that listens to you carefully. Obviously this cannot happen 100% of the time. We all know that on many occasions while we are having a conversation at the same time we are doing, we are aware of many other things. Even so, when there is an issue that worries you, distresses you or something that makes you happy, you feel that it is there, listens to you and remembers everything that is important to you.


How to know if it’s true love? When a person truly loves you, they generate a bond of trust with you. You feel that that person count on you for everything and you notice that this person can be himself or herself with you. Furthermore, that helps you to be one too. You are not afraid of feeling judged by each other because there is trust.


To know if your partner really loves you, you can see it in his way of speaking, his actions and the way he talks about the two of you as a couple. For example, you see that the other person has a future planned with you. You see that she takes you into account so that you can be that person who walked next to her and to share moments together. In this article, we tell you.

Negotiations: attitude towards conflicts

One of the signs that your partner really loves you is his or her ability to deal with conflicts. It’s not about throwing in the towel and not looking for solutions. Despite her anger, she shows a decisive attitude. The intention is to grow from these conflicts and emerge stronger. Shows a conciliatory attitude and to reach an agreement that facilitates overcoming the problem or difficulty. This may not always happen, but in the vast majority it shows this type of attitude.

Support point

Your partner, as well as other people around you, has become a source of unconditional support. She is one of the people you keep in mind to celebrate your joys and mourn your sorrows. She is a person who is part of your daily life and is there for the good and the bad. She shares with you what you feel and is there to support you in any situation. Supporting someone can also be a way to help.

I respect

How do you know if your partner really loves you? This point should actually be found in any relationship we have with anyone. It should be inherent and implicit in our way of relating. Still, a couple who really loves you respects you in every way: as a person, with your opinions, even if you don’t share them and may not agree, respect that it is your opinion, etc. Even if he shares certain ideas with you, he always respects them.

It opens

This point can be closely related to one of the previous ones: trust. It is true that opening up allows you to build trust with another person, but when someone loves you you see a evolution in the relationship. At first, people tend to be more withdrawn, we evaluate more what we say and what we don’t, what we keep to ourselves and what we count. Even so, we must observe an evolution, see that the person opens up more and more to us.

If we see this happening, it means that for that person we are important enough for them to tell us the information and we have generated enough trust level for them to open up and share their feelings.


How do you know when someone really loves you? It is important that your partner, to a greater or lesser extent, includes you in their plans. It is important that make you participate in their hobbies, their meetings, etc. Obviously, we must give space, but we must also feel included in the plans. It’s about finding a balance between two worlds that come together.

Joint projects

As the relationship with someone progresses, whether it is at the beginning or already taking time and being stabilized, a couple must have common objectives. Joint projects can range from doing activities together, moving to live together, undertaking something together, traveling, having children, etc. In short, it has desire to do things with you.

Signs of affection

When someone really loves you, affection is inherent. The desire to kiss, hug or caress comes on its own. If someone really loves you, it will be difficult for them to be by your side and not feel this affection, whether it is just with a look or a gesture of complicity. In this article, we give you ideas for any situation.


To know if your partner really loves you, it is important to be in a relationship where the person feels they can grow. For a relationship to move forward, it is crucial that the person next to you allow you to be who you are and whoever you want to be. On the other hand, the person who loves us must give us wings to fly and feel free to be as we want.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Riso, W. (2003). To love or depend?: how to overcome emotional attachment and make love a full and healthy experience. Publisher: Norma.
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