The couple relationship when there is fear of abandonment

In love their demands are considerable and their response is limited, it is of narcissistic interests.

His attitude in the love relationship is not based on give and take, but rather is based on an attitude of need and demand.

Lanother person is considered as the provider of everything, it is your source of emotional and energetic filling.

His heart is always thirsty and demands that the other always give him more: more love, more attention, more sex, etc.,

C.Since his greed has no limits, frustration sets in and he then blames his partner for his dissatisfaction.

He gives little, but if he does it is always with the intention of receiving something in return.

He seeks empathy to try to manipulate the partner, hoping later that she will reward him.

Although they believe that they are always giving and that they are rarely reciprocated.

He expects understanding, sympathy and love and is excessively sensitive to any gesture of coldness on the part of the partner.

The fear of losing a loved one lurks in the unconscious and represents a great threat.

Even when things don’t work out, they will look the other way and deny the problem, because they will never be strong enough to end the relationship and start a new path.

It would be a terrifying thing to lose someone and be left alone, with all the negative consequences that it will entail for him.

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If the partner decides to “leave” the relationship, they will be surprised because they would not be aware of the problems and they will feel devastated, depressed and devastated.

Because of his fear of abandonment, he clings to the other, even falling into possessiveness and jealousy.

He is friendly, helpful, and pleasant while he hopes to find some satisfaction.

If the other person cannot meet your demands, you may become unpleasant, experiencing feelings of rejection, resentment and hostility that may lead to a sudden fit of hysteria, which fortunately usually lasts for a short time.

Having children is something that does not excite the oral too much, since the responsibility of being a father or mother is very great and scares, especially women.

The man is more concerned with the fact that if a child comes, his partner will stop giving him support and attention, something unbearable for him.

Excerpt from my new book LA TAREA DEL ALMA, if you want to buy it click on the Amazon link:
