Emotional Intelligence Test – FREE and ONLINE!

There are many theories about our intellectual capacity and how we perceive the world. For decades, many experts have created different tests to measure our intelligence and models to understand how it works. The main theory of intelligence on IQ (IQ)

Do you want to know your level of emotional intelligence according to this personality test? What is emotional intelligence? This is a concept defined outside of traditional logical-mathematical intelligence. It was discovered that the key to success not only lies in pure rational thinking but also

Since the beginnings of psychology, a key element for emotional stability is knowing oneself. For this, we have many tools, one of them is attention to emotions. This mental capacity is described as the ease we have to recognize our own emotions.

Are you a person who gets carried away by your emotions? While it is true that our feelings have a great influence on decision-making decisions, we can handle it so that we can listen to both our brain and our heart. The perfect balance is the key to enjoying a good

When we talk about empathy, we are referring to the famous ability to put ourselves in the place of another, to recognize emotions and feelings. oblivious In some extreme cases, even experiencing those emotions. Thanks to this ability, we are able to understand and internalize the emotions of others.

When we appraise a situation positively, we tend to experience pleasant psychological consequences such as happiness, good mood, love, affection…Experiencing life through a prism of positive emotions helps us to be happier and find our emotional well-being. Joy is a

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We all know someone who is characterized by strictly following their own rules and always seeking excellence through a orderly and disciplined attitude, self-discipline is a concept that is defined as the willpower to achieve previously imposed objectives,

The ability to achieve is a measure that defines the tendency we have to pursue our objectives without losing sight of the path and despite Regardless of the difficulties it entails, a high capacity for achievement is related to a tenacious and persevering personality. If you want to fight for your dreams and achieve

Self-efficacy refers to the feeling that one has of one’s own ability, sensitivity, prudence and, as the term itself says, effectiveness. This concept is also known as self-confidence to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. It goes hand in hand with the expectation of result

The emotional states that we experience throughout our lives determine the way we face the circumstances of the day. a day. It is inevitable that our emotions influence our thinking and behavior, however, we can control the degree to which they dominate us. This test

We associate order and cleanliness with more serious, tenacious and organized personalities. If someone is able to keep their home in perfect state, you may have the same abilities to organize your life, feelings, and behavior. However, extremes are not usually good and that is why