Debunking the Contagion Theory — Get to know us

During the last 100 years the idea about the contagion of infectious diseases has arisen.

Never before in the history of medicine has there been talk about infections being the origin of disease.

In fact, no medicine, anywhere on Earth, in any previous era (except the official allopathic medicine today), considers contagion as the cause of disease.

Pasteur was the one who led, at least to the public, this false theory.

This chemist and businessman (he was not a doctor) became remarkably rich finding “little bugs” (which had always been inside us) whom he now labeled as evil and dangerous; to later, of course, patent and sell some product with which to kill them.

Koch’s postulates were used to affirm this theory and, although soon after they were proven false, they continue to be presented as true.

In his Fourth Biological Law, Doctor Hamer demonstrates the beneficial role of these microorganisms that the WHO and allopathic medicine try to exterminate.

Investigate, inform yourself and read for yourselves.

It is the only way to be able to discern judiciously.

Errata: In it says “different from the inoculated”. It really is “same as inoculated.” Sorry for the mistake.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases, you can purchase my book by clicking on the amazon link:

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