Emotional origin of NAUSEA and how to deal with it consciously

It is the feeling of warning prior to vomiting.

Nausea that occurs before vomiting is clearly a manifestation of fear and rejection of an idea or experience.

Often related to an aspect of my life that I want to reject because it disgusts me.

I wish to return an injustice.

The person feels threatened and feels disgust towards someone or something.

“There is something that I do not accept, that I reject.”

“This is unacceptable, I can’t admit it, I can’t stomach it.”

Conflict of rejection for something that is imposed on me.

“I am forced to accept a situation that annoys me.”

Feeling that something wrong has happened, something for which you feel responsible and have the desire to “return” things to their original situation, as if nothing had happened.

Their typical reflections are: “I wish it had never happened” or “I am so sorry I did it” or “I wish things were the way they were in the beginning”.

These are people who do not digest their “experiences”; They are unable to assimilate what is happening to them.

LIt is very difficult to be able to face a personal or material situation and they are afraid of the negative consequences that it may bring to their lives.

They usually occur in people with a perfectionist nature, who want to do many things at the same time and who are afraid that it will not work out for them, or that what they expect will not happen.

See also  Emotional cause of paralysis and how to consciously overcome it

Her tendency to mix everything up produces a certain disorder that makes her feel confused and saturated and prevents her from being able to do the things she wants. The consequences of this overload are nausea.

Nausea in the: They are a biological reaction to the situation of being pregnant.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

Perfectionism is a negative inclination since it only allows us to see what is “wrong”.

We have to learn to accept our mistakes, our imperfection and extract the teaching so as not to repeat them again, to grow.

What is it that frightens us about that person or that event?

Learn to shut yourself off from outside influences.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link:
