12 Gestures that reveal feelings

Crossing your arms on your chest, averting your gaze, hugging or shaking hands very tightly, among non-verbal messages, are gestures that reveal our feelings. However, most of them we do unconsciously, although others are voluntary and intentional to show affection, aversion or other types of feelings.

In this Psychology-Online article, we will give you the information you need so that you can learn to identify the gestures that reveal feelings. However, it is important that you know in advance that each person is different and reacts differently to what they feel and experience, so the meaning of the gestures depends on the communicative intention of each person.


There is no more universal gesture that reveals feelings and mood than the smile. In fact, it is a facial modulation that expresses joy, satisfaction or happiness. For this reason, when you see someone smile, it is because their mood is positive and most likely their nervous system is generating happiness hormones such as dopamine or serotonin.


Another gesture that reveals feelings is frowning, which means that you are worried, confused, or in disagreement with some situation.

It occurs when the facial muscles are very tense and this tension is reflected in the individual’s forehead.

Cross your arms over your chest

When people cross their arms on their chest, it usually means that they are experiencing impatience, anger, or insecurity about a situation.

Actually, it is a non-verbal expression, which indicates that you are trying to create a barrier because something does not interest you or causes you discomfort. Although sometimes it is also a sign of low self-esteem or shyness in front of other people.

Make eye contact

Several factors come into play in this gesture, since maintaining or avoiding eye contact has different meanings. When a person keeps his gaze fixed on a focal point, it means that his attention is 100% on that aspect and that he is not interested in anything that happens around him, only what he observes. Furthermore, it denotes interest, trust and sincerity.

On the contrary, when we avoid our gaze or lower it, it means that we avoid closeness with the other person or even that we are hiding something. Also, it is associated with shyness, discomfort or lack of confidence. In this article you will find information about.


Do you want to know what is another gesture that reveals feelings? Well, shrugging your shoulders can show uncertainty, ignorance or indifference. Also, it indicates doubt, disbelief or lack of interest in something specific.

Touch your face

This is a very common gesture that indicates some feelings without having to express a single word. For example, may indicate nervousness, lying, or discomfort and in very specific cases, it can even be a sign of flirting, especially if the part of your face you touch is your lips.

Do a handshake

The handshake is one of the universal gestures used to greet. But do you know how this gesture can reveal what we feel? In reality, the strength of the grip can reveal a lot about our feelings. A strong, firm handshake can show trust and confidence, while a weak and limp one indicates a lack of trust or interest.

The length of the squeeze can also be significant, because if someone holds your hand for too long, it may be a sign of flirting or a need for emotional support. On the other hand, if the squeeze is brief, it may mean a lack of interest or a more reserved personality. In fact, even a gentle caress when squeezing your hand can be a sign of emotional closeness.

Nod your head

Without a doubt, this is a gesture that all people do at some point. Many times, nodding our head is a common gesture we use to show agreement or understanding. However, it can also reveal our feelings and emotions in other ways.

For example, you can be a sign of approval, empathy, boredom and impatience, and even submission in the most extreme cases.

Put your hands on your hips in the shape of a jug

It is a non-verbal expression in which we grab our hands on our hips as a sign of anger or that we are impatient in a situation.

On the other hand, it can mean that we are defensive when we are not sure about something and we want to hide that insecurity.

Have an open posture

The open posture, that is, with arms and legs apart, is a sign that indicates confidence, openness and availability. This is a gesture full of tranquility and relaxation that can manifest when we are with someone who gives us peace of mind and with whom we feel safe. If you want more.

Sink your chest

Bloating out the chest is a demonstration of that we want to express more strength than we have at that moment. That is, it is a defensive signal in the face of some type of aggression, danger or event in which we want to highlight.

For example, men often puff out their chests in the presence of someone they like, as it is a posture naturally caused to impress. Women even tend to raise their breasts a little to appear more interesting and attractive.

Cover your mouth when smiling

Although they are two different gestures, covering our mouth when smiling or scratching our ears are very clear signs. First of all, when we smile and cover our mouth it means that we feel shy and insecure. On the other hand, scratching our ear when we are talking to someone can indicate that we are bored We want to end that conversation as soon as possible.

In short, our gestures can be a useful tool to understand the feelings and emotions of the people around us. By paying attention to the non-verbal communication of others and reflecting on our own gestures, we can improve both our communication and our interpersonal relationships.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Argyle, M. (1994). The psychology of interpersonal behavior. Penguin Books.
  • Givens, D. B. (2014). Your body language speaks for you: Decoding the messages of nonverbal communication. Hachette Books.
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