Psychology of colors in personality

Can your favorite color reveal your personality?

Color psychology is a relatively recent field of study, its research aims to find out the implications that each shade has on our mind and its corresponding mental processes. Although there is no certain science about this field of study, theories have recently appeared that affirm the existence of a psychological effect of colors on our decision-making and on the personality of each individual.

This field of study is being used in various areas such as marketing, advertising, event organization and, recently, in the study of human personality. Yeah the psychology of colors in personality awaken your interest, we recommend that you continue reading this Psychology-Online article.

Relationship between colors and personality

Discovering the details of our way of seeing the world, behaving and feeling emotions has always been one of the great enigmas of human beings. Over the years and with advances in studies focused on personality, different tools have appeared whose objective is to help us understand our patterns of behavior and feelings, from the projective techniques of psychoanalysis to statistical tools such as 16 PF. by Cattell.

The relationship between colors and personality can be understood in the following way: each color or tone produces an effect or sensation in our mind. Therefore, a preference for a specific shade will lead to a personality type with tendencies to experience certain emotions.

  • Let’s take an example: a person who prefers the color red probably has a tendency to be more passionate and aggressive. This is because the same color produces an effect of activation and neuronal excitation in our brain.

It is important to comment that the way in which colors affect our mood is modulated by our experiences and education. If from a young age we have learned to associate a color with a certain sensation, it is very likely that we will end up feeling something similar when we see the same shade throughout our lives.

Meaning of colors in psychology

To understand how the psychology of colors works in personality, it is very important to know how colors affect us, in this way, we will better understand what type of personality we have according to the color we like the most.

calm colors

Cold tones like blue, light green and even white, are colors that transmit tranquility, calm and emotional well-being. A person with a preference to use these tones may be one who, in their daily life, is peaceful, orderly and patient.

warm tones

Some more strident colors like red, orange or yellow They are related to more exciting sensations, with passion, energy and joy. For that same reason, a person who enjoys using these colors in their daily life will surely have a more extroverted, agitated and happy personality type.

Muted colors

On the other hand, there are dull colors that convey sadness and even nostalgia. Those tones closest to black, brown or gray They are related to sad personalities, with a tendency to depression and to live locked in their inner world.

This is a brief summary, if you want to know more about the meaning of colors in psychology, we recommend reading this article: . It should be noted that each person is unique, preferring one color or another does not completely determine our personality. However, it can help us understand each other a little more.

4 colors personality test

Psychologist Carol Ritberger developed a personality test based on a very simple principle:

There are four personality types: red, orange, yellow and green.

According to this interesting theory, everyone could be separated according to their leadership styles and coping strategies. Each of these four colors is related to a different way of seeing the world, discover which of them you identify with the most!


The personality of red is related to individuals who seek reality and sincerity above all, they are direct, realistic, fearless and quite meticulous people. What you see is what is available. They tend to externalize everything they feel and all the plans they want to make. They do not trust what they cannot see and do not usually believe in what cannot be demonstrably certain.


People with this personality type are kind, fun, and generous. They tend to be attentive to ensuring that the needs of others are met and have an enormous ability to listen to and understand other people’s problems.


Visionaries, with a leadership spirit and motivated to achieve their dreams. The personality that corresponds to yellow according to Carol Ritberger’s theory is related to good social skills and a high resolution capacity. Self-confidence, motivation and self-esteem are characteristics of these people.


If any word can define these people, it is intuition. Individuals who define themselves under this personality spectrum are characterized by being optimistic, free and empathetic. They are people capable of motivating others and constantly seeking self-knowledge to continue improving as people day by day.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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