Emotional origin of gray hair and how to deal with it positively.

Symbol of maturity or detachment. They appear after the effort to integrate these two concepts or values.

It is a sign of not needing the approval of others anymore.

Of not needing the need to pretend before others, when we become wise people.

They mean that we have gained a lot of experience as an apprenticeship and that, although there may have been a lot of suffering, we have learned lessons of great value.

Yes, I have gray hair but I also:

I am experiencing a conflict in which I feel that I am losing my peace, my wisdom, my capacity, my abilities, example: “Something or someone upset me and I did not know how to contain myself”

If I have gray hair and lose hair on the crown: They express my rejection of other ways of thinking, other beliefs, ideologies, etc. “There is only my truth”

If I have gray hair and lose my hair on the sides: It means that I have lived with a grudge, that I have not forgiven someone,

Intellectual and parental conflict. Need for my intelligence to be recognized by my father.

Or “me as a father”: Need for more intelligence or wisdom to play the role of father.

“I don’t feel sufficiently recognized intellectually.”

“I’m not smart or wise enough to be a parent.”

“I am separate from knowledge.”

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link:


Image: tn.com.ar