RIBS, emotional conflicts that can affect them

Flat and curved bones that cover and form the rib cage that protects the lungs and heart.

The ribs have the function of protecting the rib cage, they are like the bars of the heart.

LThe ribs symbolize the members of the family ().

Depending on the rib that is affected, I will be able to know which member of my family I have the problem with: if it is the upper ribs T1-2-3-4, I will have a problem with my ancestors (parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc.)

The central ribs: T5-6-7-8 will express to me a conflictive situation with one of my collaterals, (siblings, cousins, partner, co-workers, etc.)

If it is the lower ribs: T9-10-11-12 will refer to some emotional conflict experienced with one of my descendants (children, nephews, grandchildren).

Right side: affective conflict. Mother, family.

Left side: danger, outside job, in-laws.

On the side: conflict in the present.

Front: conflict related to the future. Also with authority and with my own realization.

On the back: Past, feelings. Old conflicts that are still there.

Floating ribs: hyper-stiffness of the ascenders.

The distribution according to Claude Sabbah:

1st Rib: “The order of things is not respected.” problems with coveryourflushes that do not cover well.

2nd Rib of the father.

3rd rib of the mother.

4th Rib of the collaterals.

5th Costchildren’s island

6th Rib of the grandchildren or youngest children.

7th Rib: Cousins, cousins, nephews, students, disciples, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law…

See also  Emotional cause of VERTIGOS and the way to heal them

8th Rib: Loss of a twin (real or virtual).

9th Rib: Adrenals, direction conflict.

10th Rib: conflict of existential collapse. Great depreciation due to mistakes within the family.

Conflict of affective devaluation or protection.

Not feeling wanted enough.

When one is fractured, it tells me that I am in a situation that oppresses me, that makes me feel cornered.

I feel that my protection is diminished and that I am vulnerable to external pressures regarding my autonomy and my need for space.

I have the impression that I have lost my armor, that I feel fragile and open to all forms of attack, that I cannot defend or protect myself.

I have the feeling that I have lost control over my life, that I am constantly exposed to danger.

With the fracture, a distressing situation is also broken and a crack opens that forces us to adopt an equally sincere attitude.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

I accept to express what I feel and I am receptive to listen to what others tell me.

I communicate from the heart. I am flexible and open to new experiences.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or learn about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link:

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