Can a womanizing man change when he falls in love?

Love is as beautiful as it is complicated. It can fill your stomach with butterflies and your mind with confusion.

However, there are many different types of loves and love bonds. Furthermore, it must be said that it cannot be determined that one is better than the other. Well, it is only the same people who are members of the relationship who will be able to say in the first person how they experience said love.

Womanizers are considered seductive men who have a high number of relationships with women, usually informal relationships. In this Psychology-Online article, we want to resolve a frequently asked question: If womanizing men can change if they fall in love really.

Can a womanizing man fall in love according to psychology?

According to experts, the way a womanizing man acts can have its beginnings in a series of psychological conflicts such as:

However, this It does not indicate that these people are incapable of falling in love., but rather, they have difficulties when it comes to understanding their own emotions. Men with these characteristics fall in love more with the sensation they experience during the time of flirting and falling in love than with the person themselves. But that doesn’t mean they can’t establish an emotional bond with other people.

How to conquer a womanizing man

Taking into account that we cannot change people, we can relate in a healthy and honest way to establish good bonds. Below we offer you some guidelines to conquer a womanizing man:

  1. Do not lose hope. You must always have your feet on the ground and not live in a cloud. However, almost all people as they mature feel the need to have a more stable life.
  2. Be yourself. One of the advantages that womanizers play with is experience, and we are not referring to more private areas, but to know if a person acts pretending or, on the contrary, they are authentic.
  3. Find the balance between listening and speaking. Womanizing men are very accustomed to superficial and banal talks from which they do not obtain any emotional satisfaction. Therefore, by exchanging ideas and thoughts with him, this can make you develop an emotional connection. Of course, don’t just tell him about yourself, let him also talk, otherwise this bond will never develop.
  4. Show confidence. If at any time the man begins to show a lack of interest in you, do not appear insecure and needy for his attention. Show him that you are a person who loves himself. This will cause his interest to increase again without realizing it.
  5. Smile and have a sense of humor. Being able to laugh out loud with a person is one of the best feelings there is. Manages to create bonds of complicity between two people. So, if you make him experience this sensation with you, you will make him not want to leave your side.
  6. Limit your communication with him. The womanizing man gets bored and overwhelmed easily, so if you always find yourself calling him and sending him messages, it would not be surprising if he started to distance himself. Show him that you are also independent and that your life does not revolve around him.
  7. You don’t want to control it. If you are a person who is afraid of commitment and is used to superficial relationships, you can easily become overwhelmed. If you try to control what he does, all you will do is make him run away.
  8. Define your priorities. Before acting in any way, it is important that you clear your mind in order to make decisions safely and firmly.

Does a womanizing man change for love?

The personality of a womanizing man can be complex. They are extremely calculating, persistent and charming. It is his need to control every small detail of the relationships he creates. His mind resists the idea of ​​commitment and possible subsequent abandonment. It is considered that being a womanizer is based on a disorder in emotional ties during development, which prevents one from creating the bond of love in adulthood.

These men base relationships on continuous search for self-pleasure. For this same reason, changing the behavior of womanizing men is very complicated since they are used to selfishly meeting all their needs.

They are usually very comfortable in the situation and tend to reasonedly justify all their actions, which is why they do not consider any of their behavior to be wrong.

According to Dr Douglas Romero, a womanizer will not change until he reaches old agea time when you are tired of living in constant conflicts with your multiple partners or a time when you will no longer have the necessary physical characteristics to attract new partners.

So, if after your attempt to conquer a womanizer, you see that he shows no sign of change in terms of his attitude, do not hesitate to distance yourself from him, because we should never allow anyone to play with our hearts.

It should be noted that the problem is not in having informal, fleeting or superficial relationships, but in deceiving with expectations of a serious relationship when it is not. That is to say, the problem is that sometimes womanizing men lie about their intentions to get what they want. In which case it is important to detect it and move away.

In the following article you will find more information about .

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Eber, M. (1981). Don Juanism: A disorder of the self. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 45(4), 307.
  • Eghigian, G. (2012). Hypersexual disorder: an encounter with Don Juan in the archives. Psychiatric Times, 29(8), 18-18.
  • Novellino, M. (2006). The Don Juan syndrome: The script of the great losing lover. Transactional Analysis Journal, 36(1), 33-43.
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