Accept… and let go, means stop fighting with life, accepting people, situations, circumstances and events as they occur.

Including past decisions and actions, the “bad” as well as the “good”.

It implies knowing how to renounce not clinging to what reason tells us is, in our circumstances, impossible or very expensive to achieve.

If we stop fighting and resisting the inevitable, we will live fully in the present, remaining open to all options without rigidly clinging to any of them.

This stimulates the ability to give creative responses to existence, as it is in the here and now.
How to know when it is good to fight and when to accept and let go? A well-known prayer can help us decide.

In it, God is asked for strength to accept what resists change, strength to transform what is modifiable and wisdom to recognize the difference.

One of the Buddha’s teachings, perhaps the best known, is that expectations are the cause of suffering and that the way to extinguish it is by eliminating expectations.

When we stop expecting things to be different from what they are, we begin to walk the path of inner peace.

Acceptance is almost miraculous, it allows us to change and also makes it easier for others to change too.

Well, only from the acceptance of reality can we start paths of transformation. Without yesterday’s failures we would not be what we are today.

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Evaluating our past actions in the light of what we are in the present is not rational, because if we went back with the degree of awareness and information we had at that time, we would make the mistakes we regret today.

This is also the basis of forgiveness: the conviction that every human being acts within the limitations of their level of evolution and their circumstances.
“Everyone does the best they can, with the best they know, even if they make mistakes”
We can only let go of what we have blessed.

In this regard, it could be useful to recall the beautiful thought expressed by the Brazilian poet Machado de Assis:

“Last night, when I lay asleep, I dreamed that a hive dwelt in my heart and that golden bees made white combs and sweet honey from all my shipwrecks.”

Whenever we face any event, we look for explanations rather than blame, trying to learn from what happens to us.

For everything that happens there are reasons that, well used, work in favor of our development as human beings.

In each problem there is a principle of opportunity, which allows us to transform any adverse circumstance into something positive.

When we find ourselves suffering in any situation, let us ask ourselves this question,

What am I not accepting?

By doing it we will find the cause of suffering.

What we are not capable of accepting is the only cause of suffering, if we were able to accept it we would obtain an almost instantaneous release from pain.


Happiness does not depend on what is happening outside, but on the way we react to what happens to us.

Good or bad depend on judgments of the mind, there is only life to live.

If you want to know about the behavior of the ego you can buy my book THE TASK OF THE SOUL by clicking on the Amazon link: