Emotional cause of fluid retention and how to consciously heal it

It is an accumulation of fluid in the intercellular spaces.

It can indicate a devaluation conflict accompanied by a state of fear and insecurity in relation to life.

Fluid retention, as the term itself indicates, is due to an excessive desire to “retain”, that is, to keep something that must be released and due to fear, resentment, or some other visceral emotion we cannot or do not want to let go.

What am I afraid of losing?

When dealing with the mobilization of liquids, it is closely related to the kidney, which is linked to the “references”, particularly the loss of these references; our mother above all, since liquids symbolically remind us of her.

What we want to retain is the love and protection of our mother. There may be an existential fear of abandonment, of being alone and of the risk of having to face the risks that may arise alone.

In the same way, it can express that I am afraid of leaving or that I do not want to leave someone. In both cases, the unconscious experiences it as fear of abandonment.

In other cases, fluid retention manifests itself after the disappearance of a family member, who was our main support.

It can happen after the death of a loved one who “was everything” to us and now we are without references; Or it may happen that due to circumstances beyond our control, we have been forced to change cities, countries, etc. and we have lost security, we are not rooted to life.


“I feel like a fish out of water, I’m not in my element”

What do I do here? I don’t feel happy living in this house, city, I don’t like the job I’m doing, I’m not happy in my marriage, etc.

I feel uprooted, I moved away from my roots, from my culture, from my town, from my people and I don’t know what I’m doing here, when in reality, I would like to be there.

“I feel like I’m running from here to there” “I can’t find my place in life” “Life is a constant struggle”

Symbolically, it is very common for this symptom to also arise when there is scarcity (money) or little economic circulation, since the unconscious relates this to the “liquidity” of the person and shows us the fear and concern or excessive stress that this circumstance, real or symbolic, it causes him.

“I want to retain, I don’t want to let go”

Liquid retention is linked to the image, to the aesthetics of the person, to a loss of it. I never took care of myself, I wasted my youth taking care of the house, my children and my family, I wasted my time while I could have worked and fulfilled myself as a woman.

After this hard life that I have led, I have lost the will to live.

“I need love, but I don’t trust anyone and I only count on myself.”

If the retention is located in the ankles or feet, it is because the affected person is in a situation in which he does not know what to decide, he doubts what attitude to adopt before the lack of clarity in the positions taken by others.

See also  Emotional origin of the femoral or femoral hernia

The conflict is related to mom and with a direction I want or don’t want to take, the path I want to follow, or with wanting to “change course” and the difficulties we may have because our mother opposes or criticizes our decisions and we feel guilty.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

All fluid retention expresses an emotional blockage.

When we feel disoriented, without references to hold us back, we get a feeling of being blocked, the frustration of not finding the solution, the way out.

People with fluid retention not only feel alone, abandoned and misunderstood; they also feel stagnant, trapped, because they have lost confidence in themselves, in their own abilities.

Therefore, to get out of this blockade, they have to break with the limiting beliefs of the past and recover their power and self-confidence.

These people must stop living deceived and pretending that everything is fine.

It is urgent that they learn to face their fears and lead a coherent life, that is, living with who they really want and where they want, doing what they like, until they feel that they are in their element and lead a happy life.

They need to learn to let go, to release and assimilate that life flows naturally and that it provides us with what we need at all times.

They have to learn to trust the natural process of life.