Emotional origin of APHONIA

It is a temporary loss of voice or it sounds very muffled.

The vocal ability is turned off to prevent more words from coming out that would lead us down an unwanted path.

The last words spoken have produced a conflict in the vocal cords or (wear) and must be repaired.

They manifest when we do not dare to express what we think or feel, most of the time, for fear of the consequences or because the other impresses us.

“It’s impossible to say what I really want to say.”

Hoarseness is a good excuse not to speak.

It can also occur after having said something, which we later regretted.

I speak what I should not.

It can also be a way to reproach yourself for having mistakes when speaking.

“No matter what I say, I always speak wrong” in a family context. “Fear of saying something stupid and feeling judged.”

“I have been deceived by the word in my clan (family) and I am always aware of what I have to put up with.”

Or it can indicate that the person feels helpless and believes that they no longer have anything to say or thinks that they cannot resolve the conflict.

“I keep the words in the bottom of my ”.

“No matter how much I yelled, nobody listened to me.”

Conflict related to great fears.

Conflict of separation from the person or people who listen or should listen to my words.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

See also  SINUSITIS, emotional cause and how to cure it consciously

Leave important matters to deal with for later, if the environment is very noisy.

Not feeling forced to speak when conditions are not propitious.

Raise your voice Express your own demands out loud.

What is it that you cannot admit or say? It would be much better if you expressed only true and loving words.