NEPHRITIC COLIC: Emotional cause and how to heal it quickly.

Localized muscle pain in the (in the back area) associated with a nephritic or kidney stone.

Liquid conflict and put an obstacle.

It can also manifest after a ureter conflict (territory marking). “I cannot mark, delimit my territory.”

The calculations can be considered as pieces of unresolved anger.

Conflict linked to territory and liquids.

In colic we resent guilt, anger or unconsciousness about this problem. I think one thing and do another.

Whenever kidney stones or nephritic colic appear, it means that we are experiencing a conflict of wanting to block fluid loss

Liquids = Liquidity… “Put an obstacle, a wall”, so that the liquid (money) does not escape. “I have spent a lot of money and I want to avoid it”

Example: a man who considers the monthly fee to be paid to his community high and unfair and does so against his will. Calculations are formed every month, days before making the income.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

I have the power to face and solve any problem from the past.

I have the ability to change any situation and make new decisions.

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