Emotional origin of SCOLIOSIS and the way to deal with its healing

It is a deviation from which it is curved in the form of “S” or “C”, very often located at the level of the dorsal column. It can affect from a newborn to an adult.

If it appears before the age of 14, almost certainly, the cause comes from something that we have experienced while in our mother’s womb and, therefore, it is not our story.

Or, we are living a program related to some ancestor of which we are doubles and it manifests itself in us so that we can consciously repair it.

If it appears after this age, it is undoubtedly an emotional conflict that we are experiencing ourselves.

The biological meaning of scoliosis is for us to adapt to this situation of devaluation. What am I adjusting to?

The deviation of the column is also to avoid a blow, a fight…”I feel that they are opposed or I feel that I want to oppose and I cannot”.

The person with scoliosis has been suffering a strong devaluation for a long time; in some way you are feeling despised, rejected, mistreated, by a close person.

Most of the time, this lack of support and approval comes from their parents and to a greater degree, from their father or the person representing him, in this case, almost always, the scoliosis will present in the lumbar vertebrae .

“I can only lean on one of my parents. One pulls me up and the other pulls me down.”

Maybe I am receiving the devaluation from a collateral (partner, brother, cousin, friend, schoolmate, coworker, neighbor, teacher, coach, etc.) someone I know and love, who always compares me with others and pushes me aside, ignores me.


It is a situation in which I feel inferior, weaker, less intelligent, less strong, less secure than the other person.

The column is the pillar of Being, it represents our strength, our support.

Presenting a spinal deviation means that someone close to me is gradually destroying my self-esteem and security.

This devaluation necessarily implies that I live with a permanent fear of being judged, criticized, disqualified.

That I fear making decisions, that I live in fear, and that of course, I feel resentment or hatred towards that person who devalues ​​me and that I only want to get away from him or her.

“I don’t know how to make a decision.”

“I am worse than so-and-so, less than so-and-so…”

“I’m not good enough to…”

“I lose out in all comparisons.”

“I’m not worth enough to…”

“It always seems to me that I do things worse than others.”

“This person does not love me, has never loved me, hates me.”

It can also manifest in those children who realize that they have grown up and that they can no longer receive all the attention from their parents, as when they were “smaller”.

Above all, especially, if they have a younger brother and it is now this one who attracts all the affection of their parents:

“They clearly prefer my brother or sister.”

This regret is manifested by twisting the back, bending it to the sides, preventing it from continuing to grow upwards and thus trying to be “shorter” and smaller.

“I have no right to surpass the other.”

Faced with this dynamic, the child is forced to outshine himself in front of his brother or sister.

See also  Emotional origin of APHONIA

If at present we do not identify with the mentioned conflicts but we have scoliosis, we have to look for its origin in the felt project.

It is possible that my mother experienced the death of some very important figure for her and that it forced her to feel unsupported, weak and unsupported.

If so, I have been programmed to be your emotional support.

This for my unconscious represents a heavy load that causes my spine to deviate.

Or perhaps my mother suffered an accident in which she needed to twist her body to avoid the blow or she twisted her back to avoid being hurt.

Perhaps, you have experienced a sexual conflict, in which you have wanted to avoid a sexual relationship because you considered it dirty, sinful, etc.

Or if my mother has been forced to commit a crime to get ahead, such as stealing, forging a document with her signature, or falsifying her identity, etc., that has made her lose her rectitude.

If none of these experiences has occurred, we have to look in our , if there has been any ancestor from whom we are doubles and from whom we have inherited a similar program.

People with scoliosis have typically had to grow up much sooner than a normal child.

You have been charged with responsibilities that do not correspond to you at such a young age.

Therefore, unconsciously, they intuit that “on their shoulders” there are loads that do not belong to them. And deep down they want to run away from them.

“I transport loads that are not mine.”

See also  HANDS, emotional conflicts that affect you and how to heal them

“I deserved more attention, love and care.”

Scoliosis mainly affects “junk kids.”

That is, children who have not been wanted or who feel rejected or separated from the clan. They are children born to receive and repair all the “dirties” of the family, their faults, their defects, their secrets.

From a very young age they are ignored, not cared for or fed as they should be.

These children are often born in families that lack a structure based on love.

In many cases of scoliosis there is a family history in which other members may have suffered the same conflicts that the child currently suffers.

Example: the jealousy that a brother suffers with respect to his sister, represents the jealousy that his father felt towards his older sister and his parents’ favorite.

In all cases, therapy must encompass the entire family and the individual recognition of each individual.

We have to take into account the affected vertebrae and associate them with the corresponding ribs, to know if the conflict is with the father, the brothers or even the children.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health: I accept to live in the present. I rise free and to my full height. My life improves every day. I love and approve of myself.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link: