FREE and ONLINE Psychological Tests

What are learning styles in psychology? Learning styles are different ways in which we can learn. There are different classifications of learning styles according to different authors, but they are not exclusive. For example, the 3 large dimensions in which we perceive

In man the act of drawing is absolutely spontaneous. It is a mode of expression and communication used not only by boys or girls, but also by primitive populations. Therefore, we can say that drawing, as a diagnostic activity, has always been considered a very useful instrument.

Feminism is a social and political movement that arises from the need to defend women’s rights. Feminism fights for end oppression and domination over women, with the aim of achieving their liberation and empowerment. The feminist movement seeks

What is depression? Depression is a set of symptoms that occur in different types of depressive disorders. The definition of Depression consists of a psychological mood disorder characterized by deep sadness and inability to perform the functions of daily life. As

The definition of self-demand consists of asking oneself for something, imposing rules on oneself and strictly complying with them. Therefore, the definition of a self-demanding person consists of a type of person who is very rigid and rigorous in terms of the objectives or goals they propose. Be demanding

Mobile phone addiction is also called nomophobia. Mobile phone addiction or nomophobia is a behavioral addiction, in which The behavior of using the mobile phone serves to alleviate emotional discomfort. In this way, it becomes a refuge and generates the need to use

Although the meaning of infidelity depends on each person, each couple and the culture or society in which they find themselves, we can say that, In general, infidelity is a betrayal or disloyalty in a relationship or love relationship. Generally, in Western culture, fidelity is considered

The definition of jealousy is anger caused by the fear of being replaced or not fully possessing someone. Jealousy, despite what you know believe, they are not a sign of love, but rather a sign of insecurity. Jealousy is born from the little security and confidence we have in ourselves. That produces

The meaning of agoraphobia is as follows: agoraphobia is one of the anxiety disorders and is included in the Diagnostic Manual and Statistics of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). The symptoms of agoraphobia are the following: presenting anxiety in situations in which it is difficult or

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Dysthymia is a psychological disorder of the affective sphere or mood listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders. Mental Disorders – V (DSM-V) as persistent depressive disorder. Dysthymia consists of presenting a low mood for a long period of time and in a

Having a partner, boyfriend or girlfriend, allows us to experience a different role and thus explore a different facet of ourselves and our life. It can provide us with a different area of ​​our life, which contributes to our self-knowledge and personal growth. On the one hand, having a partner is something biologically

Detail-oriented, responsible, adventurous, passionate? What would your ideal partner be like? What type of person is compatible with you? What qualities of a person are essential to you? This is a question that invites reflection, because finding a person with whom to share a healthy relationship

Every relationship is different, just like every person is different. However, there are certain common characteristics in relationships that work and have a future. We have brought together these characteristics to build this psychological test on couple love. When we are enjoying

Love, according to psychology, is a complex feeling that is sometimes difficult to understand and complicated to express. Furthermore, it is possible confuse love with friendship. Therefore, it can be difficult to know how you feel towards others or how others feel towards you. In the second case, even more so, since

Love is a complex phenomenon: it is a very intense feeling and of vital importance for people. Love motivates us to relate with others and to do good. In this case, we understand love as the set of feelings and actions in a relationship between people. And what is love

Sex addiction consists of having a great and uncontrollable sexual desire. Currently, the appropriate term to refer to this concept It’s “hypersexuality.” Hypersexuality or sex addiction consists of engaging in sexual behaviors that involve involvement in risky situations and consequences.

Happiness is a complex construct that has been the subject of much research over the last decade, an indicator that it raises great interest. But what is happiness? Happiness is the achievement of our purposes. Being happy is making our actions consistent with our

The Fagerström test is a nicotine dependence test and is used to calculate the level of addiction to tobacco. Nicotine is a substance stimulant that has effects on the Central Nervous System and is responsible for addiction and physical dependence on tobacco. Karl O. Fagerström created the test

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In psychology, maturity is a set of ways of being and behaving of a person. What does it mean to be a mature person? As we can know our level of emotional maturity? According to some authors such as Gordon Allport, maturity is expressed in self-knowledge and affectionate relationships.

Each couple is a world and the dynamics that occur within them are unique and personal. However, when the discussions are constant and not There is respect on the part of one or both members of the couple, it is possible that we are facing a toxic relationship. In order to identify the signs of this situation,

How do we measure happiness? What does it mean to be happy? We define happiness as a state of vital and emotional satisfaction in which we We feel good about the world around us and about ourselves. We have all heard about happiness and how to achieve it, however…how do we know if we are

Love can arise anywhere, even between friends! When we spend a lot of time with a person and share so many moments of our life, it is normal that there can be emotional chemistry between two friends. However, many doubts may arise regarding your relationship: is it reciprocated love?

Each relationship is different and love stories unfold in one way or another depending on the personalities of the couple. When we start In a dating relationship, passion and the feeling of falling in love are usually at their highest point. As the relationship progresses, the unbridled madness

Emotional dependence is defined as the need to maintain a bond with a person out of fear of losing them or out of a need for affection. or attention. There are certain levels of emotional dependence that are not negative, that is, it is normal to want to maintain an emotional bond with our partner or our partner.

Our sexual impulses and sexual behavior in general have been studied in many sciences and disciplines. From psychology, have tried to find answers to questions that we ask ourselves every day, such as, for example, “what is my sexuality?” “What is my sexual activity like?” Following these

Do you want to know if you have what it takes to be a good leader? In this leadership test with answers you will discover if you are ready or ready to take the reins of a team. Leadership is defined as the set of capabilities that a human being has to be able to manage a team of individuals,

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Love and relationships are one of the fields that raise the most doubts and curiosity in us. When we are in love and those feelings They are reciprocated, everything seems to be more positive, we feel that someone understands us and we can live life accompanied by a person we love and respect.

We define intermittent explosive disorder (or IED) as an emotional and behavioral disorder characterized by excessive violence in the face of a situation of frustration or discomfort. The person who suffers from this disorder “explodes” at any stimulus that causes any

Philophobia or fear of love can be defined as an anxiety response to the idea or possibility of starting a romantic relationship. There are many types of phobias in the world and most are caused by traumatic events or bad experiences. In the case of philophobia, it can originate

Human beings are gregarious by nature, which means that they usually enjoy the company of other individuals, despite the fact that there are differences. of personality between introverts and extroverts, we enjoy human and social contact from time to time. Social anxiety or phobia is a psychological disorder

Nowadays, we can affirm that we live in a busy society full of stimuli that can cause us states of nervousness and anxiety. More and more people need psychological treatment to calm anxiety and thus obtain correct psychological and emotional well-being. The test

Am I in love or do I just like him? Being in love with a person is more than just a temporary feeling. Love in a couple is a bond strong and mutual trust. But how do you know if you are really in love? Love is a subjective feeling, which can be perceived and described

Do you think you may have depression? If you have come this far, you may need help and want to know whether or not you have a mental disorder. state of mind. In order to correctly evaluate something as important as a depressive disorder, it is not enough to observe your mood at that precise moment,

We spend a large part of the day at our work, so this can be a very important factor in our stability…