Emotional causes that affect the BIG TOE

The toes grip the ground to move forward.

They symbolize our roots that hold us to the earth, feed us and give us stability.

Each finger represents a particular detail, an area of ​​life and the consequences of our attitude in relationships.

Problems in the fingers indicate that we do not feel nourished, satisfied and fulfilled with our experiences, with the position we occupy.

The big toe (thumb): It is the basis of support, of progress in relationships.

The big toe represents the obligation to the mother: the one I feel towards my mother or “as a mother, I force myself to…”

The way my mother makes me do certain things. «My mother forces me to…», «If I don’t do this, my mother gets upset», «If I do this, my mother is offended».

She may ask for things of me and feel obligated to give it to her, or she may expect more from me than I can afford, or perhaps nothing I do or get is good enough for her, etc.

The deviation of this finger towards the other fingers crossing them above or below (hallux valgus or bunion) means that the person has difficulty “taking his place” in life.

Perhaps because they feel obliged to respond to the wishes and expectations of others.

“I am forced to take care of someone, my brothers.”

The thumb passes over the others: “I must act because I am the oldest.”

“I have to take care of my little brothers.”

See also  RASH or DERMATITIS, emotional origin and how to heal it

The thumb goes under: “I, being the little one, must take care of the others.”

Both fingers affected: difficulties finding my way, .

It can also indicate: “I would have wanted to leave, but I have not been able to.”

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