Emotional origin of tonsillitis and how to consciously cure it

They are like the sentinels that keep watch at the gates of the gorge. They are part of the and, therefore, they are defense organs for the organism, of control of what enters. To determine if what enters is good or bad for us (here the notion of “piece, bite” is included, which can be real or symbolic).

The sense of manufacturing more amygdala responds to the need to better protect oneself from the “toxic pieces” that enter.

Although it can also have the sense of blocking a “good” morsel inside the oral cavity and throat, so that it cannot be taken from us.

The conflict related to the tonsils, like that of all the cells of the lymphatic system, is: devaluation plus anguish.

Conflict of not being able to swallow the piece, the prey, or not achieving the objective.

-Not being able to catch or swallow the “morsel”.

Understanding “bite” as something that we are sure we are going to get (house, car, land, etc.) and they take it from us at the last moment.

We must bear in mind that this purpose does not only refer to the material plane.

It can also be a symbolic “bite” that we thought we had caught, such as: a trip, a promotion, an award, an excursion, a salary increase, etc.

-Fear of not having the whole bite.

(Example: a man works overtime at work to go on vacation with his family, although he is not sure if he will get enough money to do it.)

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-I hope to get it but it can escape me.

-Block the piece in the throat so they don’t take it from us.

-I’ll end up catching the bite, but it can escape me.

I want to get something and I can’t.

I can’t swallow a bite.

-I have swallowed a mouthful that does not suit me.

-Do not catch the affective bite.

In babies, anguish for not being able to catch the milk, the mother, security:

“My mother, her nipple, escapes me, I can no longer hold my mother, catch her.”

In children: when they make an effort at school or at home, getting good grades or having a good behavior to capture the affection of their parents but they still don’t get it.

In adolescents: “Not being able to capture the love of their parents, a friend or a partner.”

“I would like to go out with M…but she likes J…, I can’t catch her”.

In adults: It is related to my fear, my anger, my emotions and repressed creativity, because they do not allow me to be “myself”. I don’t get my “affective bite.”

Right tonsil: Words I want to say and can’t because I swallow them.

Desire to catch something.

Left tonsil:Words that I have already said and that I did not want to say, I regret having said them.

want to spit something out

“I already had it and at the last minute they took it from me.”
“I can’t swallow a piece.”
“I have swallowed something that does not suit me.”

In the same way, inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) express anger and frustration caused by something that is happening to us and that we cannot swallow.

What situation or what person can’t we “swallow” right now?

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Most of the time it is related to a member of the family or professional environment.

We should learn to defend ourselves, to affirm what we are and to fight for what we want.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link: