Emotional origin of TICS and how to heal them definitively.

It is an abnormal, sudden, involuntary and intermittent movement, generated by the contraction of one or more , which reproduce a gesture imperfectly.

If I have a nervous tic, it means that I am experiencing or have experienced a situation that makes me feel anguish and bitterness.

To know its meaning we must take into account the part of the body where it manifests. This will not appear suddenly, it is the consequence of many situations of accumulated tension.

When the tic appears, it is because I have reached my limit.

If the nervous tic appears in my eyes, it is related to something that distresses me and that I do not want to see (accept, acknowledge, confront, etc.).

It may be related to some situation of discomfort in the movement that I have experienced, for example, I wanted to carry out a movement, an action, but I repress myself, in most cases, out of fear.

I may have felt annoyed because of certain movements that prevented me from doing, while still a child.

PFor example, the prohibition to move while at school and now my body moves, in spite of myself, in rebellion against what I was prohibited from doing.

Or, on the contrary, it could be that some authority forced me to do something when I was very young and that’s how I rebel. “I am doing what they did not allow me to do”

Likewise, I can also express them with the desire to capture the attention of others. “Nobody is interested in me, I feel displaced.”

See also  HEART, emotional conflicts that affect it and the way to cure it

“It’s the only way I have to exist and for them to give me importance and be for me.”

Ticks in the: They tell me that I have difficulties to express myself, to speak or, perhaps, it is the consequence of my contained anger for not having been able to “bite”, to attack.

face tics: shows me a movement to try to avoid an attack, an attack on my face or image.

Dystonia: It can be caused by a strong emotion that I have experienced on a sexual level, often related to a “forbidden love” (real or symbolically).

The nervous tic affects people with an excessive tendency to self-control, emotional, who repress their aggressiveness and who have received a very severe, strict and perfectionist education.

Normally, they have the feeling of being constantly observed and judged by others.

They would like to be able to show their emotions, their fears and their concerns, but they don’t dare, they are afraid of what they might think about her.

Hence it appears, especially in him, since he symbolizes identity, the image we see, that we have or that we believe we have.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

I must recognize and express fears, anxieties and sadness outwardly, even if to do so I must expose myself to being judged by others.

“I am happy and I feel calmuilor”, “I have the freedom to express myself always”

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link:

See also  Emotional origin of NAUSEA and how to deal with it consciously

Image: xisemanal.com