Emotional causes of corns and bunions and how to deal with their healing

Calluses generally appear on the sole and on the toes and hands.

It is a thickening of the epidermal layer that manifests itself above all in areas subjected to pressure or continuous rubbing.

When calluses or bunions appear, we must examine which finger is being affected and analyze the meaning of said finger to understand the emotional conflict we are experiencing.

A callus or a bunion means: “I protect myself from…”, “They force me…”, “They dominate me…”, it can be the mother, the father or some collateral.

Therefore, a situation of fear, of lack of confidence in myself, remains implicit. Of total lack of determination to put an end to the situation.

When I know how to protect myself, defend myself, my body will stop producing calluses or bunions.

When calluses appear on the feet, which are the ones that put us in contact with the outside world and with the people we associate with and with whom we walk through life, they indicate that we have hardened ourselves to protect ourselves from a person (especially of the mother) or of a particular relationship and that we feel fear and distrust for the future.

“I need to protect myself from my mother” “My mother forces me to…”

The mother can be real or symbolic. She can be a grandmother, aunt, teacher, boss, my mother country (country), she can be any figure that I feel is my mother or my guide.

In the event that I am a woman, it can also refer to… What am I, as a mother, forcing myself to do?

See also  Emotional conflicts that affect the SHOULDER and the way to heal it

Calluses on the sole of the foot: (the plant represents the mother).

“I protect myself from my mother, she dominates me, she forces me”…

Corns on the heel:

“I protect myself from my mother, she dominates me, she forces me”…

“I can’t say no to my mother.”

Calluses on the fingers of the hand: If the callus is on the hand, we must analyze the meaning of each finger and relate it to a detail of our work today.

The meaning is the same, we need to protect ourselves from someone or something.

For example, like the callus of the worker who works with his hands and a hard layer forms, which remains there for the necessary time to protect them from scratches caused by the effort.

If the person stops working, they no longer need this protection and the callus disappears.

Calluses on the palm of the hand: (the palm represents the father)

We must examine the details of our work, the relationship with our father, focused on the present moment.

Whether on one finger or the other, the emotional cause will remain the same: I lack the ability to say “no”, to set limits, to walk away and be myself.

Generally, those who suffer from calluses or bunions are usually bitter people or who have great difficulties to enjoy their experiences in life.

Are you a stubborn person who clings to your ideas and your way of doing things?

Are you afraid of disappointing someone?

Are you too demanding of yourself and do you think that prevents you from succeeding in life?

See also  MOUTH, emotional conflicts that affect you and how to consciously heal them

Do you have a tendency to hypocrisy and that’s why you withhold your emotions for fear of being found out?

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

These people need to learn to be honest, to say “no” and not try to get along with everyone.

They need to try to stop being so hard on themselves and try to be open to new ideas.

They have to allow themselves to do what they really want and learn to be spontaneous, develop all their abilities and enjoy life.