SPLEEN, emotional conflicts that affect you and the way to heal them

The spleen is located at the base of the left lung. It is a power distribution center and plays a very important role within the ; transforms blood, destroys used red blood cells and makes new ones.

On a spiritual level, it acts as a communication center and all the energy that is generated through exercises aimed at expanding consciousness, such as meditation, passes through it.

Therefore, on the physical plane the spleen is in charge of increasing our defenses and on a spiritual level it provides us with protection, confidence and security.

If my spleen is affected, it warns me that I have had an experience in which I felt stabbed or assaulted from behind, real or symbolically.

If I am a trusting, secure, loyal, friendly person and suddenly I feel betrayed by someone I never imagined would (sibling, father, mother, friend, etc.) I can feel it as a stabbing by the back.

In the same way, the discomfort in the spleen shows me the fear that I may have regarding my blood, for example: real fear of losing blood (bleeding, menstruation), or symbolic (losing my family).

Or I may think that my blood is not good or that it is scarce and, therefore, I could have difficulties when having an accident, etc.

Perhaps I am also afraid of dying in a “bloodbath.”

Likewise, it can indicate a self-devaluation due to my ineptitude in combat due to bleeding from a wound, sore, transfusion (the brain does not distinguish blood loss if it is from a wound or a transfusion), or also due to a diagnostic conflict related by one

See also  Emotional conflicts that affect the ANO and how to consciously heal them

I feel like I don’t belong to this family.

“I feel that my blood (real or symbolic) is not too good”,

“My family falls apart”

“I am a shit incapable of fighting”,

“I don’t have enough blood”

“I lack blood in my veins”,

“I’m afraid of lack of blood.”

Psychologically, the spleen can be weakened when I live life too reasonably, with excessive respect for the rules and a predisposition to have fixed, dark and negative ideas that drain my energy when facing life.

As a consequence, I find no place for pleasure and fun and I lack that joy that I so need.

I always live very worried about my family, or about my professional and material affairs and I am greatly obsessed by the fear of failing, of not knowing, the fear of not being up to the task because I consider myself incapable, incorrect or not good, etc.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health: