Meaning of right and left laterality

The physical laterality of the symptoms are absolutely revealing of what happens inside us.

For this reason it is possible that many readers interested in self-healing and who have read other authors may be surprised.

The right side of the body represents for me the symbol of the “mother, feminine” and the left side the symbol of the “father, masculine”.

When I first became interested in holistic healing, I also learned the opposite.

In other words, the right side of the body governed by the left hemisphere was related to action, reason, Yang energy and, consequently, with the masculine symbol, with the father or with his representatives (authority, etc.)

And the left side governed by the right hemisphere was related to intuition, to Yin energy, to the feminine side and to the mother or to their representatives (institutions, society, etc.).

Thus we can reach the conclusion that the conditions on the right side tell us about some conflict with a masculine element, with the son, with the father or with those who represent him, the boss, the authority, etc.

In the same way, the left side would evoke relationship difficulties with a feminine element, the daughter, the mother or with the home, the house, society, etc.

But despite the fact that this position is correct for physiology, for science, it cannot be considered valid for the decipherment of body language, since it is based on an error.

People have two well-differentiated nervous systems that act on our body:

The central nervous system or cerebrospinal that is governed by the brain and by our Conscious.

And the autonomous or neurovegetative nervous system that is governed by our Non-Conscious.

In turn, the autonomic nervous system is divided into two: the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic (or vagus system).

The central nervous system is the one that regulates conscious and voluntary life.

The information comes from the five senses and has a great impact on all the processes that man can carry out voluntarily, such as walking, holding a glass, hugging, etc.

Since it acts on the “white” muscle fibers located mainly in the arms and legs.

However, the autonomic nervous system governs everything that is involuntary, unconscious in our body.

Like digestion, the immune system, the functioning of the heart, etc.

And the so-called “red” fibers such as the heart, pancreas, liver, etc. depend almost entirely on it.

Now, unlike the central nervous system, which, as we have seen, crosses at the level of the throat, so that each cerebral hemisphere governs the side of the body opposite to the one in which it is located, the autonomic nervous system does not cross, rather it extends from a uniform central axis.

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From head to toe, the right stands on the right and the left stands on the left.

Taking into account that it is not the brain, through its central nervous system, that acts in diseases and accidents, since they are not considered voluntary processes of the human being (nobody gets sick on purpose) but rather unconscious and, therefore, coming from the autonomic nervous system, governed by our Non-Conscious, I am convinced that the lateralization that we must take into account, every time we are in the presence of a lateralized symptom is:

The right as a symbol of the “mother”, feminine and the left as a symbol of the “father”, masculine.

This must be so for all right-handed people and conversely, for all people born biologically left-handed.

There is also another more subtle explanation:

According to psychology, in each human being the two polarities are found:

One visible and the other hidden, masculine-feminine, man-woman, but both physically and psychologically we preferentially develop one of them, leaving the other in the shadows.

According to CG Jung, the shadow is the sum of all the facets of reality that the individual does not recognize or does not want to recognize in himself and that, consequently, he discards.

Not recognizing the shadow, the hidden part that is in us, anguishes us and makes us suffer.

Since when one rejects a certain principle within himself, every time he finds it in the outside world it will trigger in him a reaction of anguish and rejection and will lead him to project them onto his spouse or partner.

From this projection emanates the tendency to highlight the qualities or defects of another person that, in reality, only reflect, as if it were a mirror, the beauty or imperfections of our own soul.

With this theory we can understand that our difficulty does not come from the visible, from that part of us with which we identify, but from the invisible, from that other part that we do not want to see.

That is why when a person has some negative symptom in his right knee, a symbol of action, of reason, since it is governed by the left, masculine hemisphere, he could manifest some difficulty with his invisible and secret part.

That is to say, with her hidden feminine dimension, which she sees confronted through a woman around her, which will lead her to become aware of the problem -of a feminine nuance- that she has.

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After my training as a psychodecoder, I have to admit that in certain diseases, such as those that affect the breasts, shoulders, arms, bronchi, thyroid, feet, legs, bones, etc., it is difficult, in many cases, to be able to accurately decipher the laterality.

Since although we have a female brain that manages female resentients and a male brain that governs male resentients, we must admit that one can be biologically female but, nevertheless, have a lot of masculine energy and vice versa.

On the other hand, there is also the ambidextrous person, who can be biologically right-handed or biologically left-handed, depending on whether it is a man or a woman.

And we can even have a contrary laterality.

For example, some parents who have left-handed children from birth and, for some social, family, etc. reason, force them to write or eat with their right hand.

These children become functionally right-handed but remain biological left-handed.

Dr. Salomon Sellam, in his book Los Huesos, published by Ediciones Bérangel, offers us two aspects, two alternatives that could help us decipher laterality, in order to better specify the origin of our conflict.

On the one hand, he talks about: “the neuro-motor impact side”.

When the danger, the problem or the conflictive situation come from the right and the neuro-motor impact is registered on that same side, it would be a right-handed laterality.

He cites as an example a firefighter with problems in his right shoulder, since he was not able to open the door of a burning house by pushing with that part of his body.

And, as a consequence, a person who was inside died, for which he felt invaded by a great guilt, which settled on his devalued right shoulder.

If, instead of having used his right shoulder, to try to open the door, he had resorted to his left shoulder, of course, the pathology would have settled in this shoulder.

And, secondly, he suggests his own version, which, according to what he tells us, has helped him enormously to decipher the laterality and, consequently, the origin of the emotional conflict.

A pathology located on the right:

It would be related to the affective part, with the interior, the house, the home, with the feeling of conceiving a project, a desire, most of the time thwarted.

“I would like to do that, I would like to achieve such a thing… but I feel incapable or I cannot carry it out because I am not appreciated, I am a nullity in the eyes of others.”

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A pathology located on the left: it is closely related to action, danger, the exterior, work, the realization of a project.

Often upset, followed by a feeling of worthlessness.

“I have done this or that and I regret it, I have been a nullity, I have failed to discern, etc.

Other visions from different aspects:

From an energetic vision, the right side of the body is considered masculine: (Emission, donation, the father).

And the left side of the body as feminine: (Receptivity, understanding, the mother).

From the mental aspect, the right hemisphere is considered feminine: (Intuition, imagination, music and art).

And the left hemisphere as masculine: (Reasoning, language, science and mathematics).

In the biological aspect, the right hemisphere is considered as masculine (it controls the masculine organs and functions), and the left hemisphere as feminine (it controls the feminine organs and functions).

Here are several tests to determine biological laterality:

Applause. People who clap with the left flat and the right bang are biological right-handers.

Those who have a flat right and strike with the left are biological lefties.

Those who clap in the middle are considered to have a double brain, that is, they work with both brains.

Breastfeed the baby. If they carry the baby with their left arm, they have the right to do something else, they will leave the stronger side free, and if they are left-handed, it will be just the opposite.

With which hand do you give the bottle?

Thread the thread into a needle. Right-handers will hold the needle with their left hand, left-handers with their right.

The hammer and the nail. The right-handed will take the nail with the left hand, the left-handed with the right.

Climbing stairs. What is the foot that climbs the first rung?

Conflicts associated with laterality:

Dyslexia may be related. In fact there may be some contrarian laterality. It is necessary to know the biological laterality. Although there are also memories.

Another would be to confuse the right with the left.

It is related to memories of being an unwanted child or not being the sex that the parents would have preferred (being a boy and the parents wanting a girl or vice versa).

And of course, we must keep in mind in women two circumstances that, if they occur, change their laterality, the menopause or if they are taking contraceptive pills.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link: