Do you sleep talk? Discover the cause and treatment according to biodecoding

Sleep talking and biodecoding: a therapy that can provide answers about this behavior that is repeated in many people when sleeping.

Who has not ever gone through something like this, either because they experienced it firsthand or because they were accompanied by someone to whom it happened. Learn about its causes, treatments and how it is related to sleep talking and biodecoding.

Although most of the time it ends up being funny, either due to gestures that are made or nonsense things that are said, on other occasions the concern since it can cause the person who suffers from it or the person who sleeps with it to suffer from insomnia, as a result of this.

In addition, restlessness is added to the speaking in tongues, asleepwhich are not usual or change the tone of voice, which scares the rest of the people a lot.

Or even not knowing what was said, whether or not a secret was revealed, or something that was not wanted to be told. In this sense, many people have raised “my boyfriend said the name of another sleeping”.

Added to this is the fact that these episodes do not contribute to sleep problems that people have had in recent times, as a result of the pandemic, the suspension of activities and the quarantines that occurred in different countries throughout the world.

But don’t worry, everything has an explanation. In this article we tell you causes, consequences and ways to treat it.

Sleep Talking: Causes

In principle it is necessary differentiate between those who speak or have spoken in very sporadic cases while asleep, and those who do so frequently or almost routinely.

When this happens the call appears somniloquy. This falls within the parasomnias, that is, along with sleepwalking, sleep terror or even confusion upon waking.

People can talk in any of the stages of sleep, although it occurs to a greater extent in the deeper ones.

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In this sense, it can be caused during the REM phase, where paradoxical sleep takes place, in which brain activity is intense and dreams seem to be lived as if they were real.

During sleep, a brain mechanism stops, through neural activity, the movements and speech of the body. In the REM phase, muscle disconnection occurs, but this can fail and that is when the person can pronounce himself in some way.

Likewise, this can occur during transient dreams, which is the stage in which the person has not yet entered deep sleep but is not fully awake either, so muscle disconnection has not yet occurred and therefore it is feasible Let’s talk.

The causes of somniloquy are diverse, from issues linked to some genetic component to issues related to the psyche and emotions, in addition to sleep disorders.

In addition, according to some studies it has been verified that the Excessive use of technology until late at night, periods in which the person is going through a situation of stress, anxiety, nerves or even depression, and drug and alcohol use can also add to these episodes.

Sleep talking can be a consequence of stress and depression

There are various ways in which it is carried out: it can be by babbling or muttering, sentences that don’t make sense, even conversations that are completely logical, and why not talk while sleeping with your eyes open.

These cases can occur spontaneously or even those who accompany have the reaction of talk to a person while sleeping and that it maintains a conversation in a natural way.

However, for those who seek to find a logic to these talks, most of the time they are unconscious issues, devoid of meaning. This means that it does not necessarily have to do with something that the person believes or feels.

In fact, although dreams often have to do with manifestations of people’s wishes, this is not always the case. They can also be linked to issues experienced in the past or even randomly selected situations of the day. that are expressed while sleeping or that are related to acts experienced at some point and activate them and bring them to light.

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This is why, no matter how much people search for what it means to sleep in another language and try to relate it to paranormal issues, the truth is that this surely has to do with the fact that the individual has learned this language at some point in his life and You have woken up in the dream, or you have heard someone speak in this way and you remember it through your dream.

On the other hand, some investigations show that between 50 and 80% of the cases appear in children and adolescents, of the male gender, and as time goes by they disappear.

Most sleep talkers are male boys and teens

What to do when someone sleep talks

As usual It’s not something to worry about and, in most cases, the person who sleep talks does not require specific treatment, despite causing intrigue or insecurity for all the reasons detailed above.

However, some specialists maintain that if these episodes appear suddenly as an adult, and recurringly, or the person can detect that a stressful situation is going on, it will be necessary to consult a psychologist.

From this consultation, it will be possible to detect which situations are causing stress or nerves to the person and change some habits, ways of thinking or living that will collaborate not only with this problem, but also with all the issues linked to insomnia and depression.

Changing routines, such as doing yoga and meditating before going to sleep; not watching programs, movies or series that cause anxiety, as well as not using technological devices excessively, can help.

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In addition, changing eating habits, eating in a balanced way and avoiding sugars and foods with high fat values, will also add positively to overall health.

Reading before bed is a strategy to replace the use of electronic devices.

Biodecoding, what it is and how it is related

As a proposal of alternative medicine the It emerges as a complementary option to medical treatments, which tries to study the relationship between the metaphysical origin of diseases, that is, how emotions/feelings are linked, with discomforts and ailments.

This tries to explain that the human body is totally related physically and emotionally and that many diseases are a way of manifesting anguish, fear and depression of the person.

In this sense, This therapy is also a way to collaborate to treat these sleep disorders, be it sleep talking, sleepwalking, among others.

So people who talk in their sleep already have some tips to maintain that peace of mind, and of course, when in doubt, they can consult a specialist doctor.

If you are one of those who wants to find some meaning in what the other person says, remember that it is not always linked to unconscious desires.


the author’s book with more than 50 million copies sold, now in audiobook format.

“Our thoughts and the words we use when speaking create our experiences.” His key message is: “If you are willing to work with your mind, anything can be cured.”


We also recommend this documentary on biodescoding…

“Lose what you must lose, to find what you need to find”

He brings together emotion experts from around the world, who share their wisdom and techniques for eliminating negative emotions to illuminate a new path for humanity.

And you, have you talked while asleep? What feelings did you have when you woke up? Did you do anything to improve it?
